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Hello and welcome to my site! I hope you enjoy it! If there are any problems please e-mail me and tell me. Please sign my guest book or go to my message board and post a message! later,Rapiddash

Updates : Sept.23, 1999 by : Rapiddash
In other news there is a lawsuit against Wizards of the Coast becuase the two lawyers believe that Pokemon Trading Card game makes kids gambel. When you buy a packet of Pokemon cards you are hoping to get a rare foil card. You would be betting that you are going to get one. The same lawsuit came against Baseball cards, so history does repeat itself. Now the lawsuit is being handle by the same people who did the Baseball lawsuit. I think it shouldn't even be a issue, but people would try to get money out of anything..

Updates : Sept.22, 1999 by : Rapiddash
Hey Hey I found lotsa info on Pokemon Gold/Silver, these are the 3 starting pokemon, thanks Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden for these pics, they are starting 3 for Gold/Silver, the water croc is really strong with water attacks, the fire hedgehog has the powers of flames and speed, a really good one, the tree pokemon is really good too ! it has great plant attacks, also Pokemon Gold/Silver might come out in Summer 2000 ! It is all up to Nintendo on when they will release the game, these 3 pokemon are rumored to be stronger than Charmander,Squirtle, and Bulbasaur ! I will be updating some pages and adding fanfics tonight, until tommarow, by all !

The Game
Video Games
The Cartoon

My Pokemon voteing station
What Pokemon game do you like the best?

Pokemon Stadium 1 or 2
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Yellow or Green
Pokemon Sliver & Gold

Current Results




Name of Game Japan Date USA Date
New Episodes OUT NOW! September 4, 1999
Pokemon 2BA Master NOT COMING! OUT NOW!
Pokemon Snap OUT NOW! OUT NOW!
Pokemon Stadium OUT NOW! Coming as Pokesta2
Pokemon Yellow OUT NOW! September 6, 1999
Pokemon Pinball OUT NOW! OUT NOW!
Super Smash Bros. OUT NOW! OUT NOW!
Pokemon Gold September of 1999 YEAR OF 2000
Pokemon Sliver September of 1999 YEAR OF 2000
Pokemon Card GB OUT NOW! No Plans!
Pokemon Stadium 2 OUT NOW! March of 2000
Pokemon Stadium 3 Announced No Plans!

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