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Shadows of the Flame

The Year is 1374.

"For as long as history has been recorded man has gathered around the flame for warmth, light, and safety. The flame has served as a tool to guard against that which gathers in the darkness of the night, now it is the tool that will be used to hide the newest threat to civilization. In total darkness much can lie in wait to destroy, but it must flee from illumination or be discovered. Man has proven that once it has gathered enough knowledge on any creature or culture, that it can strike it down. Even the great Wyrms must face the reality that they are not safe from attack if man decides to destroy one of them. All the races, in some manner, have either hidden from man or embraced them. Albeit a single man rarely is cause for alarm, but a Nation can sway the actions of even the Gods. Now, the greatest threat to man will be hidden within the subtle shadows of the flame. Whether it be a candle or the mighty light of day. None will escape it's grasp if it is allowed to spring forth. Soon one great city will be besieged. Unless this city is defended from the very shadows that threaten it, all may be doomed."

- A Warning uttered by Sprethius, Priest of Savras.

"The Players"

To date the group consists of 12 players; Their character names link to an illustration when available.

Ass Kicker of the Month Exceptional Roleplaying Award

Wulgar A very happy dwarf has seated himself at a table where a few travelors have started a game of chance. As usual you do your best to seat yourself far enough to be safe from getting splashed or hit, but close enough to hear their stories and jokes. It is aparent that the dwarf cares very little about the game, and much more with having company while he drinks and tells his tales. He is a stout little fella, but unusually well fit. This isn't to say he doesn't meet all the other dwarven commonalities. He has a very large beard, though he is balding on top. He is witty and jovial, and his strength is matched only by the smell of ale that preceeds him. Though, you would expect to see at least the normal axe, or hammer at his side. In fact, though it is hard to beleive, he isn't carrying any weapons at all. He does drink and talk like a dwarf however, and you assume he is a simple traveler.

Sariah The body of this ritually scared half-orc has seen the harshness of the Calimshan wastelands. Though few would have the courage to stare long enough to notice her missing fingers, all would notice the crystaline globe carefully denoting the eyes of many races which hangs carefully from a braided leather laniard which is secured around her bulky neck. She appears quite stern and her eyes gleam with a wisdom few would expect from such a halfbreed. Even more odd, is the care as to which she puts into her hair. It has been neatly arranged in corn-rows. She dons a magnificent Mithral Chain Mail, that is adorned with menacing spikes at the right shoulder. A red haired scalp hangs easily at her side dangling from her theck leather belt. Opposite to the scalp is a masterwork heavy mace, which matches the design of the armor.

Tage Few have laid eyes on a wild-elf outside of their forests which they love and protect with all of their very being. This one is not the norm, for she follows a separate path. Though she stands before you unarmored she is anything but unarmed. She holds her red ash and bone tipped spear always at the ready. Her beauty is accentuated by her long brown hair that seems to include darker strands that in the correct light seem a dark green. Proud elven ears stand above the crown of her head that have many peircings, including a decorated sharks tooth. She appears strong for an elf , however, the definition in her musculature is presise and may hide the truth of her ability. Her eyes give a glimpse of the rage which runs deep within her blood. And her swift movements hint towards her wild agility. The fine betlt she wears depicts the head of a lion and it surely is no coincedence that her body also mimics that of a predatorial cat that is set to pounce. A brilliantly green crystalline disk is somehow wrapped around her left arm. It is not too large, more of a buckler really, but it seems unnaturally solid. If it weighs anything, you cannot tell it by the way this Wild Elf moves.

Felix If the fury in his one eye wasn't so terrifying you would have busted out with laugher at the sight of this small gnome. He is unusually muscular and has an eye patch over one eye. He holds a great axe that is menacing even for it's reduced size, and the bones on his chest piece are worn with use. Unlike other gnomes he has a much smaller nose, although closer scrutiny reveals that it has been cleaved off.

Gwendolyn Ashbey-Anselm A sly glance is tossed your way from this dark beauty sheathed from head to toe in a suspiciously dark yet practically weightless cloak which clings to her half-elven body as if it was wet silk. She appears as a lovely half-elven woman until you notice the silver hair peaking from under her hood and then the dusty grey complextion assures you that she is no simple half-elf. Her alluring emerald green eyes beckon you to approach, though you know not what awaits you. Suddenly, your gaze is drawn to her ring finger. There, sits an amazing platinum and gold band supporting a very large, flawless, diamond. Whomever bought this trinket is sure to be wealthy beyond that of any mortal.

Tradglasair De'Sean aka. "Sean" Very little about this tanned skinned human draws your attention. If anything it would be the robed clothing common to those native of Calimshan and the way he carries himself, he seems to hold his head unusually high and walk with a almost royal flare in his step. He is also wearing a fine red velvet cape that seems it was made for a larger man and is holding a gnarled walking staff. Although at first you are sure you are mistaken your eyes are again greeted by a colored stone wich seems to perpetually orbit his head. Perhaps this human is more then what he appears to be.

Ayaname Kogoke This very athletic, but very beautiful young woman seems out of place here. She seems a bit shy at first, though she carries herself with confidence. She wears a heavy wool cloak and a very expensive layered silk dress. Although they are of good quality, the boots that she wears are not the correct sizse for her small feet. She also carries two oddly curved blades, one slightly larger than the next. They both hang balanced at her side. The cloth used to wrap the handles seem worn from use. She speaks with a broken tongue that confirms she not from this land.

Dirk Anselm, Divine Champion of Chauntea. It is impossible to imagine this tall, broad shouldered, well tanned, muscle bound, man being from anywhere BUT the Western Heartlands. Never could you mistake this one for anything other than a farm boy gone fighter. His huge smile makes him immediately likeable and the symbol of Chauntea proudly displayed dangling from a chain around his neck assures you of his morality, but the tatoo of "Mom" on his arm implies a kind heart as well. Just when you thought he couldn't get more adorable you notice an odd tatoo on the other arm, but this isn't of a jovial and loving nature like the first, for this is the mark of a Pirate. He is armored only by a pair of dark blue metal greaves. He takes great strides as he moves with his massive scythe in use as a walking stick. He also has an exquisite Mithral Maul at his side.

Ada As she glides effortlessly through the forest it is obvious even from this distance, that this woman is at home here in the wilds. She approaches you, even though you thought yourself hidden, she gives you only a fleeting smile as she finds her way in the limbs above and takes a hidden position within the tree. She asks sweetly your purpose here as she looks off to see what it is you are concealing yourself from. Her half-elven heritage has given her an advantage in the now fading light. She spots the caravan approaching your well hidden area and immediately realizes your ill intent. You run, but there is no escape from her elven skills with the bow.

Kora Turm Filled with the spirit of life and adventure, this lightfoot halfling bounds around the campfire entertaining everyone with her tales of the Pink Dragon. She wears only leather though has both a mithril mace and buckler on her back. She is also equipped with a very nicely crafted shortbow and quiver. These expensive weapons of war simply don't fit the lighthearted halfling that drives the crowd to tears with her stories of dragon hunts and equally amazing adventures in the desert. You also notice her backpack seems to jingle with more than just the sound of pots smacking together. When she leaves the tavern you feel it is your chance to prove how well she can use such fine weapons. You move out the back door like you have so many times, slipping uheard and unseen towards the end of town and to your favorite hiding spot. As you wait diligently for your reward, you are caught completely by suprise to hear her whistling as she heads across the hills into the dark forboding forest towards the mountains and certain doom. Perhaps some of her stories are true. For, not even the hardend trappers in these parts would dare test the forest at night.

Kai It is easy to recognize that this weathered skinned man is out of place in a village or town. His eyes seem to hide a sorrow which is only broken by the kindness of his face. Many would not see past the blue and green tatooed marks that seem to make a pattern on his face and hairless head. As far as you can tell his entire body may as well be marked in this same fashion. He wears a very sleak suit of leather armor, as well as a bladed guantlet and an impressive Mithral Belt that is easily 10 inches wide and is adorned by the face of a furious grizzly bear. There are several unique weapons on him, like a platinum chakram, a silver shuriken, and a bladed whip.

Cade Without even the slightest sound this diminutive and stealthy individual hoists himself atop a chair in the corner of the tavern. With a gleam in his eyes he gently removes the contents from his many pockets. He gingerly studies and organizes each coin and peice of jewelry out on the table before him. It is obvious that these articles have been recently aquired. You stiffle a laugh as you think of the many people who have fallen victim to this little yet experienced theif. When you again level your eyes to observe the theif you are suprised to see he has vanished. Immediately you check your purse and are releaved to find it at your side, though from the grumbles you here in the tavern not everyone was as lucky.

Lia Anastica, Arcane Devotee of Shar. This is a perfect representaion of a gorgeous sun-elf lass. She is dressed in the finest traveling clothes and her long curly blonde hair bounces with her graceful steps. She is armed only with a sly grin, and a finely crafted rapier that depicts a tulip opening on the pommel. She has a full pouch at her side and her small backpack is certainly filled with all the clothes and fashion articles she can bear to burden herself with and still stay in style.

Barbarian Druid Paladin Samurai Wizard
Bard Fighter Ranger Sorcerer Prestige Class
Cleric Hexblade Rogue Swashbuckler Dead
Calendar: Check out the active calendar for this campaign. Important dates and events are recorded here.
Artist Renderings: If you love the pics that some of the characters have done, and want to see more, click here.
Map Section: This map section includes maps used in the game as well as diagrams of structures important to the story.
Message Board: This will direct you to the message board for the "Shadows of the Flame" campaign. Be sure to check in and get all the new gossip. Role-Playing is allowed in many of the forums.

Experience Log.

The Group is splintered with half in the Underdark while the rest are with the rescued slaves in Waterdeep. Lia's life is in jeopardy as Mira faces off with the Powers of Darkness. Gwendolyn unleashes the Wrath of Shade and possibly takes on a vital role within their organization. And in the dark awaits the groups newest enemy.

Character Names Exp/Sat 4/9th
Wulgar ****
Sariah 1000
Tage 1000
Felix 1000
Gwendolyn 1000
"Sean" 1000
Ayaname 1000
Dirk 1000
Ada ****
Kora ****
Kai 1000
Cade ****
Lia 1000

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UPDATE: The following characters are either deceased or no longer members of the party.

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