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More about Me


    I am a sophmore at the University of New Hampshire.  I am currently kicking myself since I am an electrical engineering major and it
is incredibly hard.  I love sports and am a big fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, and the UNH hockey team.  I play a bunch of sports too, although
not as many now that I am in college.  I go snowboarding pretty much every weekend during the winter and go to the Whit with my friends
to play floor hockey and basketball.  I used to play soccer and baseball in high school and really miss playing baseball (it is my favorite
sport).  The music I listen to is usually rock, (I hate rap and country and stuff like that).   My favorite bands are Guns n Roses and Metallica.
I am looking forward to G n R's new album, it's about time they came out with another one.  I love it here up at UNH, I have great friends
and although I have a lot of work during the week, the weekends are really fun with awesome parties and everything.

This is a picture of me a couple of my friends.  I found this on the web so we are in the background.  I wish I had a digital camera
or a scanner than I could put some good pics up here.
The kid to the left of the girls head with the blue shirt is my friend Eric.  The kid in the middle between the 2 people's heads
is my friend Jay.  To the right of the guy with the UNH hat is me(you can hardly see me since his head is in the way)
Once again I wish I had some better pics.