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 Famous People and ADD/ADHD

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(Either diagnosed, or thought to have/had ADD/ADHD)

Ansel Adams  - Photographer

Ann Bancroft - (1931-present) - Actress

Alexander Graham Bell - (1862-1939) - Telephone Inventor

Harry Anderson - (1952-present) - Actor

Hans Christian Anderson - (1805-1875) - Author

Beethoven - (1770-1827) - Composer

Harry Belafonte - (1927-present) Actor/Vocalist

Col. Gregory "Pappy" Boyington(1912-1988) - WWII Flying Ace (Black Sheep Squadron Leader)

George Burns - (1896-1996) - Actor

Sir Richard Francis Burton - (1821-1890) - Explorer, Linquist, Scholar, Writer

Admiral Richard Byrd - (1888-1957) - Aviator  (was retired from the navy, as, "Unfit for service")

Thomas Carlyle - Scottish historian, critic, and sociological writer.

Andrew Carnegie - Industialist

Jim Carrey - (1962-present) - Comedian

Lewis Carroll - (1832-1898) - Author - (Alice in Wonderland)

Prince Charles - (1948-present) - Future King of England

Cher - Actress/Singer

Agatha Christie - (1890-1976) - Author

Winston Churchill - Statesman (Failed the sixth grade)

Bill Cosby  - (1937-present) - Actor

Harvey Cushing M.D. - (1869-1939) - Greatest Neurosurgeon of the 20th Century

Salvador Dali - (1904-1989) - Artist

Leonardo da Vinci - (1452-1519) - Inventor/Artist

Walt Disney (A newspaper editor fired him because he had "No good ideas")

Kirk Douglas -  (1916-present) - Actor

Thomas Edison - (1847-1931) - Inventor (His teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything)

Albert Einstein - (1879-1955) - Physicist  (Famous Tongue Sticking Out Picture)

(Einstein was four years old before he could speak, and seven before he could read)

Dwight D. Eisenhower - (1890-1969) - U. S. President/Military General

Michael Faraday - (1791-1867) - British physicist and chemist

F. Scott Fitzgerald - (1896-1940) - Author

Malcolm Forbes - (1919-1990) - Forbes Magazine Founder & Publisher

Henry Ford - (1863-1947) - Automobile Innovator

Benjamin Franklin

Galileo  (Galilei) - (1564-1642) - Mathematician/Astronomer

Danny Glover - (1947-present) - Actor

Tracey Gold - (1969-present) - Actress

Whoopi Goldberg - (1955-present) - Actress

Georg Frideric Handel - (1685-1759) - Composer

Valerie Hardin - Gothic poet, Artist, Children's Author

 Mariette Hartley   - Actress (Tells of her and daughter's ADD)

William Randolph Hearst - (1863-1951) - Newspaper Magnate

Ernest Hemingway - (1899-1961) - Author

Mariel Hemingway - (1961) Actress

Dustin Hoffman - Actor

Bruce Jenner - Athlete

Luci Baines Johnson - LBJ's Daughter

"Magic" Johnson - Basketball Player

Samuel Johnson - (Author

Micheal Jordan - Basketball Player

John F. Kennedy - (1917-1963) - U. S. President

Robert F. Kennedy - (1925-1968) - U.S. Attorney General  -(RFK Memorial Site)

Jason Kidd - (1973-present) - Professional Basketball Player

John Lennon - (1940-1980) - Musician

Frederick Carlton (Carl) Lewis - (1961-present) - Olympic Gold Metalist, American track-and-field athlete.

Abraham Lincoln - (1861-1865) - U.S. President

(Entered The Black Hawk War as a Captain and came out a Private)

Greg Louganis - Athlete

James Clerk Maxwell - (1831-1879) - British Physicist

Steve McQueen - (1930-1980) - Actor

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - (1756-1791) - Composer

Napoleon Bonaparte - (1769-1873) - Emperor

 Nasser (Gamal Abdel-nasser) - (1918-1970) - Egyptian Leader

Sir Issac Newton - (1642-1727) - Scientist and Mathematician (Did poorly in grade school)

Nostradamus  - (1503-1566) Physician - Prophet

Louis Pasteur - (1822-1895) - Scientist -

(Rated as mediocre in chemistry when he attended the Royal College)

General George Patton - (1885-1945) - Military

Pablo Picasso - (1882-1973) - Artist

Edgar Allan Poe - (1809-1849) - Author/Poet

Rachmaninov, (Sergei Vasilyevich) - Composer

Eddie Rickenbacker - (1890-1973) - WWI Flying Ace

John D. Rockefeller - (1839-1937) - Founder, Standard Oil Company

Nelson Rockefeller - (1908-1979) - U.S. Vice President

August Rodin - (1840-1917) - Artist/Sculpturer

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt - (1844-1962) - First Lady

Pete Rose - Baseball  Player

Babe Ruth - (1895-1948) - Baseball Legend

Nolan Ryan - Baseball  Player

Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat - (1918-1981) - Egyptian President, Nobel Peace Prize Winner (1976)

George C. Scott - (1927-present) - Actor

George Bernard Shaw - Author

Will Smith - Actor/Rapper/Entertainer

Tom Smothers - Actor/Singer/Entertainer

Socrates  - (469-399 B.C.) - Philosopher

Suzanne Somers - Actress

Steven Spielberg  -  (1946-present) - Filmmaker

Sylvester Stallone - (1946-present) - Actor

Jackie Stewart - Grand Prix Hall of Famer

James Stewart - Actor

Henry David Thoreau - (1817-1862) - Author

(Lev Nikolayevich) Leo Tolstoy - Russian Author (flunked out of college)

Alberto Tomba - (1966-present) - Italian Alpine Ski Champion

 Vincent van Gogh - Artist

Russell Varian - (1899-1959) - Inventor

Jules Verne - (1828-1905) - Author

Werner  von Braun -  (1912-1977) - Rocket Scientist (Flunked 9th grade algebra)

Lindsay Wagner - (1949-present) - Actress (Bionic Woman)

Gen. William C. Westmoreland - (1914- present) - Military (Vietnam Era)

Robin Williams - (1952- present)  - Comedian

Woodrow Wilson - (1913-1921)  - U. S. President

Henry Winkler - (1978 - present)  - Actor (Fonzie)

Stevie Wonder - (1950 - present )   -  Musician

F. W. Woolworth - (1852-1919)  - Department Store Innovator

While working in a dry goods store at 21, his employers wouldn't let him wait on a customer because he "Didn't have enough sense."

Orville Wright - (1871-1948)  - Airplane Developer

Wilber Wright - (1867-1912)  - Airplane Developer

William Wrigley, Jr. - Chewing Gum Maker

William Butler Yeats  - (1865-1939) Irish Author


These names collected from various sources, and accuracy is not guaranteed.

This list has nothing to do with the credibility, and/or the diagnosis of A.D.D. / A.D.H.D.  

Low self-esteem, and the feeling of not "fitting in" to the real world is a common thread with ADD / A.D.H.D 

This list demonstrates to ADD/ADHD'ers that, not only do they have a place in society, but their comrades have made immeasurable contributions to it.

Realizing instead that we are NOT "stupid or lazy" as some claim,

but may actually be those outstanding individuals of each passing generation.

When I first saw it, it did that for me.

 If you know of anyone who should, or should not, be included here, please e-mail.

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