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Scouts Canada


Physical Fitness Certificate



This form is to be filled out by the parent/guardian at the beginning of each Scouting year and kept by the leader. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to update the leader of any changes in the medical condition of the child/ward throughout the Scouting year.

This form should be filled out for adults as well.


Surname:                       Given Name:                   Initial:       Date of Birth:              Age:         o Male   o Female

Address:                                                                                                            City:                                         

Province:                                                           Postal Code:                               Home Phone:                       

Physician’s Name:                                                Scout Group Name:                                                              

Provincial Medical Plan Number:                                        Insurance Coverage Held:                                          


Emergency Medical Information:

Does the applicant have any allergies: o Yes   o No

o Medicine

o Insect Bites

o Toxins

o Food

o Smoke

o Plants

o Animals

o Other




Has had, please check (x)

o Appendicitis

o Mumps

o Chicken Pox

o Measles

o Kidney Disease

o Scarlet Fever

o Rheumatic Fever

o Heart Condition

o Other:_____________________________

If subject to any of the following, check (x) and give details:

o Asthma

o Contact Lenses

o Headaches

o Fainting Spells

o Bleeding Disorders


o Ear Problems

o Diabetes

o Hernia

o Back Problems

o Motion Sickness

o Cramps

o Convulsions

o Sleepwalking

o Nightmares

o Bed Wetting

o Pregnant

o Other:__________________________________________________


Has the participant menstruated?  o Yes o No   If no, has she had menstruation explained to her?   o Yes  o No

Does the participant require special care, medication or diet?


Date of most recent physical examination (Month and Year):                                                                     

Date of last tetanus shot (Month and Year):                                                                                              

Swimming Ability: o Non-Swimmer   o Swimmer Highest Level Achieved:                                                

Has it ever been necessary to restrict the applicant’s activities for medical reasons? o Yes  o No



Signed, Parent/Guardian:                                                                                     Date:                            

Updated, Parent/Guardian:                                                                                  Date:                            

Updated, Parent/Guardian:                                                                                  Date: