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Welcome to Tava and Mazzie's page, since both of us are lazy we decided to do this page together. So first of all I wanted to thank MYSELF for starting and doing this page, without MY help this page couldn't have happened. Thanks to Tava for sitting there and looking pretty, like always. And last but not least thanks to Spunky for doing her page so we can do this page.

OK...well since mazzie is being mean and making me go first, I'll try and make this interesting. My name is Tava..ok.. so it's not my real name, but oh well..that comes later on. ok no it doesn' name is Tava and thats all you need to know (real names come with police records *wink*). I'm 19, which is the legal drinking age here in Canada...which also answers where I'm from! I like blue freezies and the Teletubbies. And mazzie...I LOVE MAZZIE!!! I'm a proud member of the "Ass" club....aka the Sicko Bunch. My ass name being Smart Ass...though mazzie and some others would have you belive that i'm the Drunk ass. You'll maybe learn about them later on...maybe you won't. Depends on if Mazzie the Dominatrix allows me to talk about it. I'll have to ask permission...(awww you know i love it mazzer) I love Jose...tequila is the drink of choice....of course....if you know anything you know that!! (lol...I'm joking) Well...i guess thats all right now...i have to go find one of my mistresses...he strayed from the pack!

Now my turn to talk about myself...My name is Mazzie, It's really not, ok it IS my real name, but my nicknames are, Betty(i use that one alot), LatherRinseRepeat, BakedPotato, and my all time favorite name...Stalker, and my ass name...Bad Ass. Well I'm twenty-something years old, and I am from the entertainment capital of the world, California! I'm a professional slacker, and I'm damn good at my job, and I part-time as a stalker, and im DAMN good at this job too. I like anything that doesn't suck, oh and penguins, the flying penguins, oh and ducks them ducks! I also have a unhealthy obsession with super heros, YEAH you heard me SUPER HEROS! And yes, I'm part of the "Ass" club also. And I'm not a dominatrix, Tava just likes to think I am...ok I really am a dominatrix...KIDDING!!!

Things we like:
I like beer. i like Jose Cuervo tequila . I like Teletubbies, and i LOVE Elvis. I like just way too much to name...Placebo, Pearl Jam, MB20, Fuel, blah blah get the picture. i like listening to Mazzie talk about her mistreseses and Rj talk about his love for bondage gear. i like my wagon...i like to stock my wagon with candy and boys. i like telling people to Shut The Hell UP...i love Berg from the Pizza Place show...! i love my guitar. i love my dog. i love my family. i think thats it...did i mention tequila?

I love music, the bands I like are Matchbox 20 (woohoo Adam), korn (woohoo head), Offspring, Our Lady Peace(woohoo the lead singer), Fuel (woohoo Bret), Live, 98degrees(ok I really don't like them I just think they are good eye candy, and they can move my furniture anyday), and Five (I don't like them either but I have a big crush on the guy named J). I like watching movies and all that crap, TV, yadda, yadda, yadda. Baseball, baseball rules..GO YANKEES!!! wooohooo!!!!.oh and i like the shortstop for the Yankees Derek Jeter..woohoo Derek!!!! And I like watching wrestling, YES I do, and I have the biggest thing for ROAD DOGG, and yes, I'm admitting it dammit, for the world to but thats me in a nutshell =)

yeah alright..once again mazzie the Dominatrix is making me go first, so here goes the list of online friends: First off the Sicko Bunch Mazzie, I LOVE MAZZIE!!! shes the Don to my Sancho! Jerrriiiii my Bitch-as if you aren't the greatest thing since Elvis, i love you baby!!!! RJ-the sharer of my brain cell and my humour twin..those monkeys ARE funny dammit!! lurve ya! Spunkers!!! the water in my taps! shh head outta the gutter people!! love yer hon!! Bai-can't say anything here i haven't said tons of times before...i love you baby! Now for everyone else...Frusk!!! mon cher! i love yer hon! *gummy grins*, Dixie my PADNAH!! love yer Dixxx!, TJ and Tubey- you ya!, Lil my beer wench...cyber?? you too! Karl the late night smartass disrupting my Teletubbies schedule!! lol..i'm working on the Russians! Sheepy- you are the funkenest emu farmer around! loffy loff! Houser, FSPC, BJ the First, Austin,Joe- love yer joe!! alley! Skeety!! <-=-= its there see!! you know i love ya hon! good to see you back!! and Habie my lil sis..i love yer hon...and smell go take a bath...but i love you too! if i forgot to add you then you aren't important...i'm me and i'll probably fix it. *wink*

My online friends, I'm not gonna mention alot of people but here it goes, first the sicko bunch, Tava, I LOVE TAVA!!! and your fine ass too, Mr.RJJJJJJJ, he's the friend of friends...he's the root of all evil I say!!! (and i have proof), Jeri, JERIO DA RULER!!!!! the best GRANDMAMA in the world, Spunky, My sis, my evil the best!, Bai, my cousin, and you could never kick my ass!..j/, and now the rest... Alley, what can I say about you, only that you are a great friend (I love the poster ya sent me *wink, wink*), Girl, girlie girl! my online and offline hang out girlie. DOVE, where are you? SHEEP RULES!!!! FRISKIO!!!! rabbit!! (sorry i forgot about ya) If i forgot ya then tell me and I'll add you, whatever, if not then SHUT THE HELL UP!

ICQ Friends:
Mazzer, Spunk, Bai, Jeri (wtf are you? sniff), RJ (woo for gay guys lmfao), Frusk, Lil, Sheepy, Pisschrist, Dixie, TJ, Tubey, Karl, Houser, Joe, alley, and everyone else i talk to on icq! love you guys! (smoochies and flashes)

Tava, Spunky, Mr. RJJJJJJ, Jeri, Bai, Alley, Austin you the man, Jade my sis, bubsy my lil sis, girlie girl, drill I'm always laughing w/ you, purplesheep YOU RULE, Karl what happened on the Wonder Years?, Joe a good friend anyone can ask for, Mate your the best!, Sugs the person who always asks me where Adam is, and I know!, Nala, dammit woman you work too much! and Ruby the person who knows that I have killed many fishes! And if you would like to add me to your icq list here's my number...ICQ # SHUT THE HELL UP.

Boy Are They In Trouble

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Spawns Of Satan

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