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For those who may have clicked my Alamak link, this is yet another rendition of my homepage! *L* I do believe I'm done with the on-going revisions and updating. It don't get any better than this babay :o)~

Anywho, enough blabbering...heh. As it says above (in my cute lil' Signature gif), I'm Laura and I'm from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. As for my age..*laughs*...I'm over 21, but under, you figure it out! *L*


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~ ~Laura~ ~

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«¸¸ø¤¤ø,¸¸» Being In Total Control of Herself «¸,ø¤¤ø,¸»

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First and foremost....MY MOMMY!!!! *beams*
My pic - Fall 1998
Me - Summer 1999
Me & Brian!! *S* 
My Baby, BriaN!!!
Horoscopes...heh doggie!!

Thanks for visiting...come back soon!

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"If at first you don't succeed...throw a couple of tantrums"

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