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Vampire: tES Complete Rules Reference (Version 2.7) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newsgroups: Subject: V:tES Complete Rules Reference (version 2.7) From: (L. Scott Johnson) Date: 1 Nov 1996 13:30:40 GMT V:tES Complete Rules Reference (version 2.7) ============================================= Changes are identified with exclamation marks in the margin. Rules and errata compiled by L. Scott Johnson ( Proofed and extensively tested by Shane H. W. Travis ( OUTLINE OVERVIEW I. Setup II. Turn Phases III. How to Resolve Actions IV. How to Resolve a Vote V. How to Resolve a Combat VI. How to Resolve Damage VII. How to Withdraw from the Game ANNOTATION KEY (#.#) V:tES Rulebook Section Reference (:#.#) V:tES Corrected Rulebook Section Reference [#.#] Jyhad Pocket Rulebook Section Reference [RTR] WotC Rules Team Ruling, Errata, Clarification, or Statement [DCI] Official tournament rule change [TOM] Tom Wylie - WotC NetRep [LSJ] L. Scott Johnson - Rulemonger [SAB] Sabbat rules differ at or add to this item (actual Sabbat changes will not be incoporated into this outline until the Sabbat has shown that it is a viable expansion) ============================================================================== I. SETUP ----- A. Determine seating and first player. Turns proceed clockwise. (4.2.6) 1. The player to your left is your Prey. The player to your right is your Predator. (4.2.1) [11.5] The "Prey" of a Minion is the controlling Methuselah's Prey. [TOM] 2. If seating changes during the course of the game, then the person who is then to your left becomes your new Prey. [11.5] B. Choose Edge Counter and Blood Counters. (1) 1. Place all Blood Counters in the Blood Bank area (central). (4.2.2) 2. The Blood Bank cannot run out of Blood Counters. (4.2.2) [11.3] 3. Place the Edge in the central area. It starts the game uncontrolled. C. Put 30 pool in each Methuselah's Blood Pool. (4.2.2) [11.2] D. Shuffle Vampire and Library decks (separately). (4.2.3) [11.4] 1. Each Methuselah's Library deck must contain forty cards. It may have up to ten additional cards per Methuselah in the game. (1) [5] 2. Each Methuselah's Vampire deck must contain at least twelve cards. It may contain any number of cards over twelve. (1) [5] 3. You may cut the Vampire and Library decks of your Prey. (4.2.3) [11.4] 4. Each Methuselah antes her top Library card (optional). (13) [11.6] G. Each Methuselah deals four Crypt cards to her inactive region. (4.2.4) NOTE: You may look at the cards in your own inactive region whenever you wish. (4.2.4) [11.4] H. Each Methuselah deals seven Library cards to her hand. (4.2.5) [11.4] 1. Library cards are replaced immediately as they are played or discarded. 2. Cards which say "Do Not Replace Until After Combat" are replaced at the end of the next Combat, or as soon as the action is finished. [RTR] 3. Cards burned during a political action are not replaced until after the action is completed. (7) [17.1] ============================================================================== II. TURN PHASES ----------- A. UNTAP PHASE (6.1) [12.1] NOTE: If, on your prior turn, you announced your intention to Withdraw, and have successfully fulfilled all requirements, you Withdraw. (10.1) [18.2] See section VII for details. [SAB] 1. Untap all cards. (6.1) Paralyzed Vampires do not untap. (22.1) [15.3] 2. If you have a contested card which all other Methuselahs have yielded, it becomes uncontested (controlled) and is untapped. (15) 3. Take the following steps in any order. (6.1) [12.1] a. (optional) If you have the Edge, add one blood to your pool from the blood bank. (6.1) [12.1] b. Contest or Yield your contested cards and titles. (16) [12.1] i. Pay one pool for each unique card that you are Contesting. (16) [8] ii. Pay one vampire blood for any title that the vampire is Contesting. A Vampire may choose to go to Torpor if he has no blood to pay. Vampires in Torpor must yield. (15.1) [17.2] A Contested Vampire holding a Contested Title must yield the Title. [TOM] iii. Burn any card that you are yielding, along with any other cards or blood on that yielded card. (15) [8] c. Resolve card effects that occur during the Untap Phase. (6.1) [12.1] d. (Optional) Announce your intention to Withdraw. (10.1) [18.2] 4. Any vampire in torpor still contesting a title yields. (15.1.3) [17.2] B. MASTER PHASE (6.2) [12.2] 1. Receive ONE Master Phase Action. You do not receive this Action if you have played an Out-of-Turn Master since your last turn. (3.2.1) 2. Take the following steps in any order and combination. a. (optional) Use a Master Phase Action to play a Master card. b. Resolve card effects that occur during the master phase. 3. Lose any unused Master Phase Action(s). C. MINION PHASE (6.3) [12.3] NOTE: Any untapped Minion may tap to take one of the following actions. Each Minion's Action is resolved before the next Minion Action begins. The only action a Vampire in Torpor may take is "Leave Torpor". (19) EXCEPTION: any time one or more of your Vampires is Ready and has zero blood and is not prevented from hunting, your next Minion Action must be to hunt with each of those Vampires. (6.4) EXCEPTION: A minion may not attempt the same type of action more than once each turn, even if he becomes untapped again. [DCI] 1. (D) Bleed Prey Methuselah (NO card). (6.4) [12.3.1 p21] a. Your Prey burns one pool. Bleed Modifiers adjust this amount. b. You get the Edge if you bleed for one or more pool. 2. Hunt (NO card). Kindred ONLY. +1 stealth (6.4) [12.3.1 p23] a. A Vampire at full capacity may not hunt. (6.4) b. Add one blood to the Acting Vampire from the Blood Bank. 3. Employ Retainer (REQ: Retainer card). +1 stealth (6.4) [12.3.1 p21] a. Put the Retainer on the Acting Minion. 4. Recruit Ally (REQ: Ally card). +1 stealth (6.4) [12.3.1 p23] a. Put the Ally in the Inactive Region to indicate that it cannot act. b. Put Life counters on the Ally from the Blood Bank. 5. Equip Minion (REQ: Equipment card). +1 stealth (6.4) [12.3.1 p22] a. Put the Equipment card on the Acting Minion. 6. Take Equipment from another Minion controlled by the same Methuselah +1 stealth (NO card). (6.4) [12.3.1 p22] a. Move the Equipment to the Acting Minion. b. Any amount Equipment may be taken at one time from the same Minion. 7. Leave Torpor (NO card). +1 stealth (19) [12.3.1 p23] a. Burn two blood from the Acting Vampire and move the Acting Vampire to the Ready Region (tapped). 8. Rescue a Vampire in Torpor. Kindred ONLY. (NO card) (19) a. This action is at +1 Stealth if it is in your own Torpor Area. b. This is (D) action if it is not in your own Torpor Area. c. Burn two blood. This may be done by taking two blood from either vampire, or one from each. NOTE: The acting Methuselah chooses how the blood loss is allocated. NOTE: Rescuing a Paralyzed Vampire costs no blood. (22.1) [15.3] 9. Commit Diablerie. Kindred ONLY. (NO card) (19) a. This action is at +1 Stealth if target is in your own Torpor Area. b. This is (D) action if target is not in your own Torpor Area. c. Burn the target Vampire in Torpor. The Acting Vampire gets all of the Equipment and blood from the burned Vampire. Other cards on the burned Vampire are burned as well. i. Remove blood in excess of capacity from the Diabolist. [RTR] ii. If the Acting Vampire is younger than the Diablerized Vampire, the controlling Methuselah may go through her hand, Library, and/or Ash Heap to find a Skill card to place on the Acting Vampire. iii. Any Methuselah may immediately call a Bloodhunt vote to burn the Diabolist. A successful vote means the Acting Vampire is burned. This is not an Action and may not be Blocked. (20.2) [SAB] NOTE: Only one Bloodhunt vote may be called on each Diablerie. [RTR] 10. Call Vote. Kindred ONLY. (REQ: Political Action card). +1 stealth (7) [12.3.1 p24] a. Resolve the Vote. [17.1] See section IV. 11. Play an Action card (REQ: Action card). (3.2.2) a. This action is undirected and at 0 Stealth, or as set by card text. b. Resolve the action. NOTE: If the action starts combat, and combat ends by continuing the action, then back up to step a. [RTR] c. Get the Edge if you Bleed any Methuselah for one or more pool. d. An uncontrolled Vampire may be given more blood than his blood capacity. Any excess will drain off when he becomes controlled. [TOM] 12. Other actions as allowed by cards already in play (NO card). [SAB] NOTE: an action which initiates combat cannot be used to initiate combat with a vampire in torpor. [RTR] D. INFLUENCE PHASE (9) [12.4] 1. Gain Transfers (aka "Influence Phase Actions"). a. On turns 1, 2, and 3, gain only 1, 2, or 3 transfers, respectively. b. Each turn after the third, gain exactly 4 transfers. 2. You may spend your Transfers in any combination of the following: [12.4] a. 1: move one of your pool to one of your uncontrolled Vampires. b. 2: move one blood from one of your uncontrolled Vampires to your pool. c. 4: burn one pool and move one Vampire from your Crypt to your uncontrolled area. 3. Any remaining Transfers are lost. 4. Any uncontrolled Vampires with Blood equal or greater than their blood capacity become controlled and move to the Ready area untapped. They enter the ready region at full capacity (excess counters drain off). E. DISCARD PHASE (5.5) Discard up to ONE card from Hand to Ash Heap. (16) F. END TURN - Move any new Allies to your Ready Region. (6.4) [12.3.1 p24] NOTE: Any time a second copy of a Unique card comes into play, it is Contested. NOTE: If your Prey is ousted at any time during anyone's turn, then you gain a Victory Point, even if you are ousted at the same time. (10) [18.1] You gain six pool unless you would be ousted without it during the same action. (:10) All cards that a Methuselah controls and/or started with are burned the moment she is ousted. (11) [9] [SAB] NOTE: Only one Master Out-of-Turn card may be played (at any time) in lieu of a Master Phase Action in your next Master Phase. You cannot play a Master Out-of-Turn card during your own turn. (3.2.1) ============================================================================== III. HOW TO RESOLVE ACTIONS ---------------------- A. Acting Minion is tapped. (6.3.1) [12.3] B. Who can attempt to Block (18.1) [13.3.1] 1. If (D) then only the target Methuselah's Minions can attempt to block. NOTE: If the target Methuselah is also the Acting Methuselah, then no Minion may attempt to block. [TOM] 2. If Action is nondirected, then rights to block are resolves as follows: a. The Prey Methuselah can attempt to block. b. If Prey does not block, then Predator can attempt to block. 3. Other Methuselah's attempts (if allowed by card text) resolve clockwise from the Prey. [RTR] C. An attempt to block is resolved as follows: (18.2) [13.3] 1. Pick blocking Minion. (18.2.1) 2. Determine if block is successful. [13.3.2] a. Blocking Minion can play a Reaction card to increase Intercept only if the Acting Minion has Stealth greater than the Blocking Minion's Intercept. (:18.2.3) Any cost of the the Reaction is paid. b. Acting Minion can play an Action Modifier card to increase Stealth only if the Blocking Minion has at least as much Intercept as the Acting Minion's Stealth. (:18.2.2) Increased stealth lasts until the action is finished. [13.3.2] c. Repeat a,b above until neither Minion wishes to play a card. 3. If the Intercept of the Blocker is at least as much as the Stealth of the Acting Minion, then the Action is blocked. (18.2.4) [13.3.2] a. Tap Blocking Minion. [13.3.1] b. Burn any Action card that was played for the Action. c. Play any Action modifier or Reaction cards which can be played after an Action is blocked. [RTR] (reversal) d. Resolve Combat. 4. If the Stealth of the Acting Minion is greater than the Intercept of the Blocking Minion then another Minion of that Methuselah can attempt to block. [13.3.2] D. If Action was not blocked then the Action is resolved. (6.3.4) 1. Pay cost associated with Action. 2. Resolve Action (resolve vote if Political Action). NOTE: Action Modifiers may be played only by the Acting Vampire at any time in the above sequence as allowed by the card. Any cost for playing the modifier is paid immediately. (: The same Minion may not use the sam