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Vanity Press Goes Techno!

Last updated: June 22, 2001
Back from London & Better than Ever!...and Getting Ready to Invade the People's Republic of China!!!

News For All Youse

This update: A magazine to print my telephone ramblings!

About This Site | Ye Olde Story-Shoppe | Bite Your Tongue | Sample Callie's debut novella!

Guests of the Holiday House only, please...

The skinny on Miss Jennifer Callahan
(Callie fixing hair in the ladies' room at Denny's, August 1999; photo credit: Allison Wunderkind)

Read Callie's online diary, you nosy little snoop!

(updated every three days or yer money back-- oh, wait...

Faves and Raves | Personal Muses | Resources For Writers | MUSE 10

Websites Worth Wandering | Just Another Page of Internet Porn

I'll give ya a dollar if you sign my GUESTBOOK (just kidding, but do it anyway):
Make Your Mark | Point and Laugh | Get Yr. Own

"Such is my system, or rather the truth, unless I am very much mistaken. It is short and simple. Dispute it now who will." -Julien Offray de la Mettrie, "Man A Machine" (1747)

All words and images copyright 1996-2001-infinity-and-beyond by Jennifer Callahan unless otherwise noted.
PS- Sorry about the pop-ups; they didn't even bother to tell us (natch). Hopefully they don't crash your browser the way they do mine.

The old version of this site had, upon closing, over 5500 visitors. We topped that by the end of our fourth year!!