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[Editor's note: We received this "letter" via e-mail a few weeks back. The scab is attempting to explain why men at the plant (who are crossing the picket line) faced no quotas, while women production workers did. But quotas can be imposed on anyone, including "skilled" workers. The only thing protecting any worker from quotas is a decent collective agreement. Something you can't get from scabbing... The editor takes no responsibility for the spelling and punctuation. In fact, the letter contains no punctuation!!]

The men are mecanics that is why there is no quota It seams to be to dirty a job for the women none have ever applied in my many years there

To reply to this scab's "statement" send an e-mail to us and we'll pass it along. Or even better we'll post it here!!


There were two women who were training for Knitter/Fixer several years ago. They gave up because the men would apparently not help to train them, nor would they show them anything. As well, Stacey tried for a mechanic's job posting. They suddenly withdrew the posting after she applied.


Joe D.


A scab is a scab is a scab no matter what the sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By not supporting these women on the picket line you have no right to be working in a unionized place because you do not understand the meaning of equal pay for all sexes!!!!

Of course you are enjoying the benefits, [but you] should feel ashamed to collect your pay to feed yourself and your family (if you have one). I just hope there [are] no females in your life because you are setting a very poor example and have displayed no respect to them. Get a life!!

The shoe could be on the other foot one day for you and judging from your e-mail letter your lack of knowledge of today's current issues facing women is terrible. I bet you even voted for that person called "MIKE HARRIS"


Dear Sir

It seems to me that JB Fields has not imposed a quota on men because they are using a divide and conquer policy -- not because the men are mechanics. Clearly the men have a priviliged place in that company compared to the women. The men have higher pay, more job security and no fears of quotas. You have gotten your privilige by agreeing to step on the backs of your women co-workers. Who will come to your aid when the time comes for the company to step on your back?
