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/on/unite1764/images/fist.gif. (93104 bytes) A Template for Letters to Businesses Carrying JB Fields Socks in Your Area

Friends of UNITE 1764 has initiated a national boycott campaign against Eaton's and Mountain Equipment Co-op because they carry socks made by JB Fields in Trenton, Ontario. UNITE local 1764 has been on strike against this firm since March because the company cut wages for its women workers from $12/hr to $7.07/hr. The firm is cutting the wages of its male workers from $13.45/hr to $13/hr. The boycott will continue until these firms agree not to carry J.B. Fields' products or until such time as J.B. Fields' agrees to a fair settlement with its workers.

This boycott campaign has included picketing and leafletting in front of Eaton's and Mountain Equipment Co-op outlets in various locales throughout Canada, as well as a postering campaign.

We are preparing to expand this campaign to firms in the [insert your community] area which carry J.B. Fields' products. While you are not yet a target of this boycott campaign we have noticed that you carry J.B. Fields' products. If you do not agree to cease carrying these products by September [insert deadline] (until such time as a fair settlement is reached between JB Fields and the union) we may initiate a boycott campaign (like that described) above against your business.

For more information contact
[insert contact info]