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Skill training for the new members of the Guild

      "Below ye will find advice on what areas a new member of the guild should train in. The land of Cosrin is open tae near infinite possibilities and ye should train yerself in whatever skills catch yer eye. The advice given below is tae help the young Fighter, Berserker, Ranger, Battlemage or Monk learn the skills that are best suited tae improving yer ability tae fight. Fer the time being, the fighter's guild is limited in what it can offer the battlemage or monk. It is me hope, though, that someday we can get those dwarven craftsmen back in here and expand the guild and offer something specifically fer those two classes."

                -Trollhater: Former Guild Master to the Fighter's Guild-

      When ye enter the game ye will find that yer skills are limited. Ye should train yerself in the various skills as soon as possible. Learning a skill from a shop will cost ye a set amount of gold and build points. Each time ye learn the skill the cost in build points will remain the same but ye will see the cost in gold rise tae meet the difficulty of training fer ye tae reach the next higher level. Learning a skill from another player is also possible but will cost ye 1 more build point than it would cost ye at a shop, per level learned from that player. This may nae sound like much at first, but in time ye may wish ye had been patient and learned them from the guild tutors. Patience is the key when it comes tae yer training.

      There are basic skills that all fighter classes should learn. Among the first should be Physical Training (PT) and weapon training. There are three types of weapon training ye can learn; Two-handed, One-handed and Missile weaponry. It is recommended that Berserkers learn Two-handed, Fighters learn one-handed and Rangers learn missile weapons, but this choice is up tae ye. Once ye have learned all ye can of these, fer yer level, move on tae Multiple attacks, Warcraft and Called Shot. Some of these may nae be available tae ye until ye reach guild level nine, so it would be wise tae learn such skills as toughness, dodging and awareness until ye have reached guild level nine. Awareness may nae seem very important, but it will eventually come in very handy. Berserkers should also consider training in Spiritual Karma. When a berserker is thrown intae a rage, he gains added hit points from his spell points, which are affected by Spiritual Karma as Physical Training affects yer hit points. Personally I have found that the skill of Barter tae be quite useful in gaining the gold I needed tae get around the land.

      Beyond that, it is recommended tae learn whatever ye find interesting. All skills have their place within the land and will aid ye as ye journey through the lands. If ye ever have any questions about what a certain skill does, type HELP while ye are in the game. This will allow ye tae see detailed information about each and every skill available tae ye.

           Always remember tae have fun, that is what ye are here fer.

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