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Role Playing Guide for the beginner

      "Below ye will find a help guide fer the new player. It is intended only as a guide tae help those who have never been a participant in a role-play environment. It is nae me intention tae sound as if I am the be all know all of role-playing. I only wish tae guide those who do nae know what it is towards the common goal of better role-play within the land."

                -Trollhater: Former Guild Master to the Fighter's Guild-

      So, you have decided to play Cosrin. Now that you've created your character, you'll need to know what to do with him / her. There are many choices as to what you can do when you are just starting out, but the two main goals are to role-play with the other players around you, and to try and gain experience. Experience will, in time, allow your character to gain levels. Levels are a way of showing how much knowledge of the land you have gained.

      Role-play is very important to this game. If you're new to the idea, it can basically be explained like this. You are an actor or an actress. You have chosen a name, class, race and what sex you will be in the realm of Cosrin. You will be expected, from time to time, to act out what your character wants to do, or to put it another way, to play the role you have chosen. The easiest way to role-play is to simply ask yourself, "What would I do in this situation if it were really happening to me?", and then do it. There may be a certain amount of embarrassment if you have never done this before, but don't worry about it. All you can do is try :). Just move into it slowly, your characters' personae will eventually just happen. It may take some time, or it may happen immediately. Either way, it is best to try and role-play whatever situations that you can. This may sound like a lot of work for a game, but there are rewards. These rewards are known as Role-play Points. Depending upon the amount of points you achieve during one level you will receive certain bonuses when you do, finally, gain a new level of experience. These bonuses are given in terms of hit points (the amount of damage your character can take), Spell points (the amount of points you have to spend on spells) and Build Points. Build points are crucial to the game of Cosrin. They are what you use to learn higher and higher levels of skills that you will eventually choose for your character. Also it is important to mention that within the land you will find some players that are Heroes and Immortals.

      The Immortals and Heroes have two main purposes in Cosrin. They are present to assist you with technical difficulties and answer general questions about game commands and mechanics. Immortals and Heroes are also there to add personality and challenge to the environment. From time to time the Immortals and Heroes will set up special events such as invasions, and Temple or Guild Quests within the role-playing environment of Cosrin. Such events give you the opportunity to earn experience in different ways and will greatly spice up the game. Sometimes, when an Immortal or Hero is in the game, he or she may see a good occasion for some impromptu role-playing enhancements such as unleashing a new type of creature, a few demons here or there or even hiding precious items or magical trinkets to be found. You never know what might happen when an Immortal or Hero is around so be prepared.

      Experience levels are gathered by obtaining experience while in the land of Cosrin. There are two ways to gather it. The easiest way is by fighting the monsters that you encounter within the land. For this you must know how to fight in combat. This may sound very easy, and it is, but unless you know some very important keys to combat you may soon find your character dying. (see the folder entitled "Battle Tips" for more information on this.) The best way to gather experience, and to get involved in role-play, is to make friends in the game and form hunting parties. There is strength in numbers and so a little more safety. Try to join a party along the same level that your character is. The reason being, if your fourth level, you don't want to be hunting the same monsters as a twentieth level character as the danger to you would be very high. So go out, role-play, fight and most of all have fun with your character.

      Recommended help files for you to see;

help toptips
help toptips2
help toptips3
help toptips4
help toptips5
help toptips6
help toptips7

      (to view the above help files, you must be in the game of Cosrin and type them as you see them. No spaces between Toptips and the numbers)

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The art of combat and the gaining of experience in Cosrin
Skill training advice for the new members of the Guild