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The art of Combat and the gaining of experience

      "The information ye will find below is intended tae teach those who know nothing of combat within the land, and tae teach them of the value of questing. It is important that ye know that there are two ways tae gain experince in Cosrin. One is through the slaying of the vicious beasts of the land. The other is tae help out other people within the land by solving the quests that they give ye.

                -Trollhater: Former Guild Master to the Fighter's Guild-

      To start off with, in order to attack at all (unless you are a monk or mage) you will need your weapon wielded in your right hand. Berserkers two-handed weapons, although technically taking up two hands need to be in the right hand to be used effectively. The same goes with the use of a bow or crossbow. The weapon will be in your right hand, but will take both hands to use.

      If at all possible, make the monsters come to you. Do not advance on them unless you absolutely have to. The reason being, there is a delay time after every action that you take. So if you were to advance on a monster, you would then have to wait for your delay time to run out for you to regain enough balance to attack. The same holds true for the monsters in the land of Cosrin. You might as well use this to your own advantage.

      Some monsters will have to be advanced to be hit (unless your character employs some kind of distance attack (I.e. Missile weapons (bows, crossbows) or attack spells (Fireflames, zap... , etc.). The only way to avoid the delay time between advancing and attacking is buying a mount (horse, donkey, owl...) and using the charge command (or to use one of the aforementioned distance attacks). This allows you to advance and attack all in one turn. Also, equally important is knowing when to retreat. There is no dishonor or shame involved in retreating. Knowing your characters strengths and limitations is the key to success. If you feel your character is truly in danger of dying you can do a directional retreat. What that does is retreat you away from the monster and take you to an adjacent room all in one move. This move can save your life if you remember it.

      One last thing, there are two types of weapon classes that may be used. Hand to hand weapons and missile weapons. Hand to hand weapons are your swords, axes, flails and such. Missile weapons are bows and crossbows. The important distinction between the two are that you must be in contact with the monsters with hand to hand combat. With missile weapons you are able to attack from a distance and thus avoid getting hit by anything except spells and other missile fire. Berserkers excel at the use of two-handed attack weapons (a hand to hand weapon that requires to hands to use), Fighter's excel at one-handed weapons and Ranger's excel at Missile weapons. This does not mean that a berserker can't learn missile weapons, or a ranger can't learn one-handed. It only points out what skill each class will excel the greatest in. For Battle-Mages the road is a rough one in this guild.

      The second way to gain experience is to solve the many quests scattered throughout the land. Quests are very important to the game and very helpful to you in gaining levels within the land. It is important to say at this time, that quests are to be solved not begged, borrowed or bought from another person in the game. The giving out of quest answers as well as the taking of such can both be considered punishable offenses by the heroes and immortals that are seen within Cosrin. Just try to solve them yourselves. This is not to say that you can't journey in groups and solve them. You can do this, in fact it is recommended, just don't go around asking others for the answers or giving them out when you are asked for them yourself.

      At the moment, there are three separate classifications of level. They are as follows;

      1) CLASS LEVEL: This is your main level and will be the one to gain you your hit points, spell points and build points. It represents your knowledge of Cosrin in general. All experience you gain will be placed here, unless you decide to tithe some of it to the other two level types.

      2) GUILD LEVEL: This represents your knowledge of things pertaining to your guild. As you wander around the guild, you will find many guarded passageways. The guards will not let you pass unless you have gained a high enough rank within the guild. Beyond these guild portals you will find more quests, training or item shops. Your guild level will be very important to your success within Cosrin. You must tithe experience to your guild in order to gain levels here. (see HELP GUILDTITHE for more information)

      3) CITY LEVEL: This represents your knowledge of the city and it's inner workings. At the moment there are no city portals, but in time there will be.

      *NOTE* There are many places in the land of Cosrin to hunt the beasts that plague the world. When you are just starting out, it is suggested that you stick to the beginner dungeons below the bar in the Adventurers guild. To get there from recall (the center of town) move west ten times, north three times and down once. You will only be allowed access to the beginner's dungeons up until you reach fourth level, so it is advised that you make the most of these dungeons and hunt there till you are of that level.

      After you feel you have learned all you can from the beginner dungeons make your way through the catacombs. You will find these are rather large. It is recommended that you begin making a map of this area as soon as possible.


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Role-playing tips for the newcomer to Cosrin
Skill training advice for the new members of the guild