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Crisis of Faith chapter six

      Cameron watched as the bird flew from the cave with great haste. Morlend chasing after it casting a spell of fire as he went. The ranger shook his head to clear away the fog he found himself in. Morlend's spell went off and a blaze of heat struck the cliff wall on the other side of the canyon. Morlend muttered to himself as he walked back in the cave, the snow melting off of his shoulders.

      "Are ye afraid of birds now Morlend? 'Twas only a bird, it was merely warming itself."
Queried Cameron.

      Morlend, for but a moment, seemed to glare at the elf before he recomposed himself.

      "The bird matters not. It is dead now, incinerated in the air as it flew. Let us get back to the matter at hand. I know how you loved your father and I can give you the power to bring him back. To right the wrongs in your life. All I need is a drop of your blood."

      Cameron stood in thought, running his right hand down Corsican's neck.

      "Why is everything about blood with ye, warlock? Why would ye need me blood fer this?"

      Morlend smiled as he saw the elf waver, he knew he must not rush this, or he would not get the blood sample he desired.

      "Troll, do I ask ye why ye use arrows and a bow to defend this realm from the beasts that plague it? Do I ask you why you use a certain wood type or a certain material to make your strings? No, I do not. I merely accept that the rangers know what they are doing. So do not ask me why I need this or that to complete my craft. Just accept that blood is necessary part of the mixture. More importantly, to give you the spell, I must have your blood."

      The elven ranger leaned against his horse, as if for support. He said nothing to Morlend, but thought of the few memories left him of his father and mother. He thought of his sister and how he had missed all of them so much after they were gone.

      "I need time tae think, Morlend. Give me a day and I will give ye me response."

      Morlend sighed on the outside, but smiled inwardly. He was close to having this elves blood. The possibilities would be near infinite if he had blood that was freely given.
He would exercise patience in this, for the prize would be worth it.

      "One day Troll. I give you one more day. I am sure you will make the right choice."

      With his last word the warlock lord disappeared from view. A shiver ran down the rangers spine as the cold of the cave reached him in his haze. He piled some more wood on the fire and spoke to Corsican.

      "What should I do, old boy? Morlend cannae be trusted, I know this, but think of the good I could do with the power he offers."

      Corsican merely snorted in response and turned his head motioning at the feed pack on his back, wanting to be fed.

      "Ah, forgive me old boy. That is twice taeday that I have fergotten ye."

      Cameron removed hay and oats from the pack and laid them out for the horse to eat. As he did, his thoughts turned to the bird that had been in the cave.

      "I wonder where it came from," he thought to himself, " and why Morlend feared it so much."

      Flying south as fast as you could, you speed away from the Dark Blizzard Pass and towards Ashwood, the home of Feathers, the white owl. Feathers had asked you, and some others, to keep an eye out for the elf Cameron. She had heard news from the beasts of the land that worried her about him. It had always struck you as odd that Feather's spent so much time among the elves, humans and what not of the land, but you respected her for her wisdom in these matters. If Feather's needed your help, you would give it, as would most any bird or beast. Becoming lost in your thoughts, you nearly pass by Feather's roost. Angling downward slightly you start a slow spiral towards the tree tops. You could see form where you were that she wasn't in the roost.

      Suddenly the shrill screech of an owl reached your ears from the west. It sounded like Feathers. Swiftly you flew to see what would cause Feathers to cry out so. Soon you could see the white owl burst through the upper foliage of the treetops, arrows flying after her. You cry out in alarm, luckily the arrows missed. Harsh shouts could be heard from below as the would be hunters knew they had lost their prey. Feathers turned and seeing you motioned you to follow her. Finally, after flying far away from the hunting party the two of you land and begin to converse. She shrugs off your questions about the hunters when she hears you have news of the elf. Quickly you tell her all that you saw and heard.

      "Then what I have heard is true," sighs Feather's," he has lost his faith in the creators. Thank you little one, you actions would make all sparrows proud."

      Before you fly away, you puff out your chest and chirp your pleasure to Feathers.

      For a long time afterward, Feathers sat, pondering what she could do to help Cameron. After long thought she leaped into the air, as small prism of light forming before her. Flying into the light, she disappears from view.

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Crisis of Faith part seven