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Get a Job at BetwetterNet

Want a job at BedwetterNet? Well not a real job, it doesn't pay but it's tons of fun, you get to meet lots of people and help others. Just fill out the form below and click to send your cyber application. We will get back to you within a couple days of getting your info. We look forward to being able to work with you. Please note that all information that you submit to this page is completely confidential meaning that no-one other than the webmasters of BetwetterNet will see it. Good Luck! Even if all positions are currently filled your application will be kept on file in case a job becomes available.

Who are you and where can we get ahold of you:


Tell us a bit about yourself:

Date of birth
Sex Male Female
Hair color
Eye color
What depatment art you applying for:
for information on jobs e-mail



Why do you wear diapers?

When do you wear diapers?

What kind of diapers do you wear?

Tell us about an experience with you and diapers, it can be anything as long as diapers are involved


Click Submit only once

Copyright 1999 BedwetterNet.
Last revised: October 25, 1999