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This page is for all you that, have a poem or two.
I am sure you have one sitting around some where.
And you want it to be seen on the, Net. And don't have a
page to put it on. Well now you do!! I made this just
for you all to post your own Poem here. Cool eh? well I think
so too. And guess ??? it is, all free of course. Know
why would I make you pay for this eh? That would not be nice.
I help a lot of people on stuff I know. And do it for free.
So why charge?? not yet any ways! LOL "just kidding."

Notice: To: Public there is a form you can use.
That'll be used for you to send me the info...
on the bottom of this page. The "Back Ground Color" for your
"Poems." And the "Text Color" of the "Poem".
I have a "Selection" of "Colors" here! for you
to choose from. Along with the "Form" to fill in, with only.
**"Poem Title, **YourOwnPoem, **BGColor,
**Text Color, **E-mail Address." Your E-mail is
on for in case you need to, change something, let me know.

So get your poems in here thank you very much.
As much as you want, it does not matter how many!!
I have the room here for any and all of them. Have A Good Day EH!

So please be thoughtful and send donations!
to the Editor of this page..."JUST KIDDING HA HA HA"
No I was going to say, please be thoughtful to
others that, read these too ehh!
I want lots of poems on here. I'll try and write a
few my self. You might be saying why is he, making
a Poem Page and... Dosen't write them himself you might ask?
I do it is I am not that good at them.
Bad excuse eh?? well I'll do my best to make, some
of my own too ok :)

So "please start sending me them poems".
"Made by you" thank you very much!
Ask some one to use there's I am sure they'll
say yes. Don't just take it and get all the "Credit."

Silent Whisper by... "Sweet Lilly"

"The Silent whisper a whisper upon the night is what drove me to the window. I looked out across the yard I saw no one or nothing. I turnd away thinking it was just the wind. But I heard it agian I went to the closet and grabbed my coat and a flash light down the steps I went quickly and quietly. I walked to the little creek behind my house not knowing what to expect. I never did know what grabbed me" **1999**

Was It True I Seen Her?

"I’ve known her for awhile now;
"Not in person, but in my heart and my mind."
"That’s the only way, I can say it;
"I wish there was more to make it come, to life."
"I am trying get this all out now;
"Well, it is still fresh and with me."
"She seems to mean lots to me;
"Because, I don’t care what others say;
"Some times love takes a long time."
"And I’ll do all it takes to see if, its worth my the time."
"As I feel it is, and like I said;
"I only know her in my heart and mind."
"For now this is just fine;
"She has her life I have mine."
"She said this to me, it went like this;
"It was me you had seen for a moment."
"I had no idea, it sounds to good to be true;
"And yes I’d love to be with you."
"I just now was being, me;
"I had to set these words free."
"All I hope is that, she would come to me;
"This is something I need to see."
"Once again;
"Was It True I Seen Her?"
By Subzero 02/04/99


"A friend is someone who walks in when the
rest of the world walks out."
"True friends are like diamonds, precious
but rare."
"Don't walk in of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may noy lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend."

Author unknown.


"God sometimes puts us in the dark for us to see te light."
"God is able to do immeasurable deeds."
"Where God guides, he always provides."
"God's help is only a prayer away."
"God without man is still God. Man without God is nothing."
"Prayer changes things."

Author unknown.


"Love is never having to say you are sorry."
"When you love a person, you are giving them,
the power to hurt you."
"Love is having to see more than what meets the eyes."
"You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back."
"True love is like a ghost,
which everybody talks about and few have seen."

Author unknown.


"Heal the past, live the present, dream the future."
"Do not start today, with the broken pieces of yesterday."
"Destiny is not a matter of chance.
It is a matter of choice, it is not a thing to be waited for,
it is a thing to be achieved."
Author unknown.


"Life will only come once, so make the most of it."
"God didn't give us all things to enjoy life,
but life to enjoy all things."
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
"Mistakes are not intended to down us
rather they make us stronger."

Author unknown.


"Being lost in Cyber Space, is not a very wonderful thing.
"It happends to to everyone, when you do the wrong thing."
"You don't know what you did??, but what you did is not the right thing!
"You were fine one second, and the next one you are poof"
"You ask yourself where the $#@% am I?? Tell me now before I,
go throuhg the roof!"

"You ICQ a friend to get you out of this mess!! He can not help you,
he just says you are just under stress!!" "He says I'll try and help you,
but first let me go pee. "You look at the screen, and say hmmmm.
I wander where this button will take me??" "Your friend now comes back.
And can't find you! any where."And then says that idiot says he should of listened
to me." "And all of a sudden, you 2 are in the same chat room.
"And your friend says hey that wasn't so hard was it??" "And you say what
time is it?? He says 3:15 p.m. And you say no not at all, I've only been
here since 12:00 noon!!"

Subzero... 09/29/98

By Terry Collinge

I close my eyes only for a moment;
I think of you and your beauty;
It seems like only yesterday that we met;
My heart lay untouched by human emotion;

The moment I saw you;
I was born anew;
My heart, my soul, my love.

With your baby eyes;
and your long flowing hair;
Your shyness is part of your nature.

Your laugh is so soft and sweet;
Your breath is like a summer's breeze;
When I look at you; you bestir my heart;
You are an angel that descended from heaven;
To unlock my heart so it can love again.

You are my first, my my first real love.

By Terry Collinge

Everytime I look at you time stands still;
Everytime I think fo you gentle music plays;
Your smile makes me melt into a puddle of Jell-O;
Your hair flows freely in the wind.

Everytime I look at you my heart skips a beat;
You make life worth living again;
Without you, life is but a mere dream.

I just hope and pray;
That some day I'll meet someone like you;
You are one in a million;
You are a jewel;
A beauity diamound in the rough.

You have a heart of gold;
Your kindness is wellknown throughout my heart and soul.

By Terry Collinge

You sit half a world;
I think of you daily;
Your eyes, bright blue like the skies on a clear day.
Your skin is as soft as silk.
I would die for you.
Your beauty is permanently scared in my mind.
You laugh at all my jokes.
Even though some aren't meant to be jokes.
I'm to shy to tell you this.
This crazy world holds too many things based on faith;
Faith that we would do the right thing;
After all we are only human;
I can not express myself to well. Tough Family.
Death... by Terry Collinge

As I walk through the mist;
It slowly clears as I walk;
In the distance a man stands alone;
The mist is around him as well;
A hood covers his pale, bony face;
His madding green eyes stare at me looming;
All he wears is black;
AS I walk towards him I fear not;
I wonder why I draw closer to him without moving my feet;
The mist is still moving, swirling;
Why me? Why now?
I want to go back right the wrongs;
I turn around hoping, only hoping;
Hoping that it isn't too late;
I start running I fall;
I lift my head in sorrow, I see him; He is closer than before;
He reaches out his hand slowly;
I slowly get up;
I reach for his;
I realize it is my time to go
we leave for the other side of life

Final Shailagh Keaney

All too soon, the child dies.
And in the corner, the last tear she cries.
But no more hand to be led. And no more
tears to be shed. For I will take you soon
little one, where one became all & all
became one. A final place where someone cares.
To dream of, no one dares. So come & put
your hand in mine. And we'll go to another
place & time.


My "POEM FORM" here below now does work!
I tested it myself, so start sending them poems in now.
Thank You! have a good day ehh.

Fill out in this Form