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"Welcome To Subzero's Art Page"

Note: To: The public this page will be under construcion for awhile.
Do to getting all the art scanned and set up, so it all fits & loads on the
page. Of course this will take some time. I will have some stuff, to view
soon!! And just like my Poem page the art sent in to me. Will be put in
"TABLES". This part is up to you I'll, put a couple pics's here to show
you. The difference between Table Border & no Table Border. These two here are
my own stuff I call it art LOL! I know you can do better then this :) So what are
ya waiting, for there is lots of space to be filled here. I'll have a "Form page
along with the art section". For people who live out
of town. E-mail me
with the "PIC". People who live in Sudbury, ON and area. Should know me
From: The Dark Room or the 3RD Mill, you all know where they
are. You can also E-mail me or get hold of me @ the places I just mentioned
So please make sure all the art. Is your's and not some ones elses stuff.
Then I can post it here on my page. Along with your name if you want people
to know who the "Big Artest" is. So take your time most art will be posted!!
Remeber be real about this EHH!

**Some Tips on better results on your pic's showing up!!**
1. Only draw on "Blank White Paper" or "Yellow Art Paper"
2. Never use lined paper eh, it makes messy pic's.
3. Don't try to scann a great big pic, you will not
have enough room on a Disk. To put it on, plus it may not work!!
4. Just keep the pic's small thank you, they look better on the
Net. We all want to view what you have, we sure do!!
So just "Remeber Small is better"
5. The pic can always be made bigger in a "Editing Program.
6. If you have a pic but it does not take up, the whole page.
When you scan it... "just highlight" only the pic. To save space
on the Disk, and making the "Image easier to work with.

I am not sure of the exact sizes the pic's will be.
Here on the page but I'll test it to make them all good and,
visable :) I have two of my own "Back Grounds I made for samples"
Until then see ya soon and come back with all you art EHH!! :)

Subzero... 11/04/98

**Without Border**

**With Border**