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Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Every saga has a beginning...

A very special thanks goes out to John Baginski in Flushing, New York for getting this page started by submitting bloopers one through to four. Score one for John! Thanks a lot John, I owe you one. And may the Force be with you. Always.

Qui-Gon's lightsaber

1. Throughout the entire movie, Obi-Wan has a bead that hangs down on the right side of his face. Right after Qui-Gon returns to the ship with the hyperdrive parts they need, he talks to Obi-Wan about going back to get Anakin. In the entire scene, Obi-Wan's bead has been moved to the left side of his face.

Qui-Gon's lightsaber

2. One of Anakin's friends who comes to look at the pod has braces on... and you can clearly see them. It is the tall girl.

Qui-Gon's lightsaber

3. Not really a blooper, but it's cool anyway. In the Galactic Senate, after Queen Amidala has called for a vote of no-confidence in Chancellor Valorem, and the rest of the Senate starts hissing a yelling, look around at the different representatives in the senate. One of the races is made of E.T. aliens. You can see them clearly if you can find them.

Qui-Gon's lightsaber

4. Right after Queen Amidala makes an alliance with the Gungans, after everyone has kneeled down and they start to get back up, the camera goes to a shot of Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor, and Ewan McGregor (Kenobi), scratches the right side of his head.

Qui-Gon's lightsaber

The Phantom Menace bloopers © Copyright Star Wars: the saga continues... 1998-2000