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Sahaja Yoga and Music



Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi




..... Chakras

Indian Scale

  Western Scale
The Subtle System   7.  Sahasrara Ni Tea
  6.  Agnya Dha La
  5.  Vishuddhi Pa So
  4.  Anahata Ma Fah
  3.  Nabhi Ga Me
  2.  Swadisthan Re Rae
  1.  Mooladhara Sa Doe

The Awakening of the Kundalini in Sahaja Yoga takes place with the touch of Musical Notes.  The notes touch the Chakras and the Kundalini gets awakened. The Kundalini reaches the Sahasrara through the Sushumna (Central Path) and through the Chakras. The the Kundalini becomes one with God. Vibrations begin to flow, Yogis go into NIRANANDA (Joyful Meditation) and the seeker begins his journey on the path of evolution.    

(Arun Apte - Music and Sahaja Yoga)



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