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Welcome to the U.K's funkiest Women's Rugby Website, belonging to the successful and fun-loving squad at Staffordshire Uni. Some of the photo pages may take a few moments to load, but they're worth it! There's also a guestbook (below) where you can leave your comments/ideas or you can simply e-mail us (the address is at the bottom of the screen under the options). Hopefully this site will give you more of an insight into Women's Rugby as an ever-increasingly popular sport and also to show you just how much fun we women at Staffs have !!! Check out our Tour pages, meet the members, have a look at our match successes, and LOADS of great photos - and you'll see what a great atmosphere we have. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to see what we've got to show you. Even better still, try out the new chat room...

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For the squad and social members this serves as an information point on fixture dates and times, social events to come and other useful bits and bobs... but really it is just.... FOR FUN !!!
There is also a new link to Helen Ives' Old Girls Website now so even when you leave there's no excuse not to keep on participating in our excellent Tours & Reunions etc. There is also a Photo Album page being set up so if you want to have a laugh see that!
Anyone else interested in joining to either train, play or to become a social member is very welcome...either meet us on the rugby pitch (next to the Law Building on Leek Road Campus) on Tuesdays/Thursdays at 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, or come to The Terrace pub (on Leek Road) between 8-9 pm on any Wednesday, and speak to either the Social Secretaries, Claire or Amanda, or to our Captain, Vixter. Even simpler, just email Berni at

Made For You by Berni...(C)2000

Check Out The Other Pages:

Meet The Members (Socialites & Players)
Fixtures, Results & Songwords
Socials & The Latest News
The Rugbybirds Photo Album (2 Pages)
Tour 2000 - HOLLAND
Getting Dirty With The Dutch - PHOTOGRAPHS (2 pages)
Tour 1999 - DUBLIN
Shamrock + Shenannigans - PHOTOGRAPHS
Tour to France 1998 - PHOTOGRAPHS (under construction)
Tour to Wales 1997 - PHOTOGRAPHS
Staffs Old Girls Hall Of Fame
Ivesey's Old Girls Site
COMING SOON - The Family Tree
ACTION SHOTS (Match Photographs - under construction)
SWEETCHARIOT do excellent TOURS - visit their site now!
COMING SOON - Staffs Girls Getting About A Bit (Photo's From Around The Globe!)
The RULES of Rugby Union (to the uninitiated)
