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Hey, my name's Xan! You want to know about the Rovers? Huh? Huh? Do ya? Ask me nicely. Excuse me, I can't hear you. Ah, that's better. Ooh, I absolutly love your voice. Oh, anyway, here we go!
Road Rovers premiered on Kids WB in 1996. This unique and amazing cartoon told the story of five courageous dogs, their master, and a psychotic Rottweiler bound to a gurney in the fight for...well, ya know, making the world a better place. Tons of children (and children at heart) instantly fell in love with the witty characters, action filled plots, and humorous dialog. Then after just one season with 13 episodes, it was canceled. Though the fans tried, no new episodes were made. But don't worry Rover fans! Now that those 13 episodes air on Cartoon Network they'll live forever. The fans will definitely see to that.


The leader of the pack! Vroom! Vroom! Heh, he's a retriever mix from America recruited for his super speed. But that's not all his powers! He's also super loyal, friendly, courageous, polite, just to name a few! Hunter's attitude is definitely...different. Being a bit naive makes for great jokes; he'll even take an insult as a compliment! He is very brave, though, and while he may be having a fun time and making gags he makes sure to get the job done. Vroom! Vroom!


Now THIS is a girl with moves! She's a collie from London with a great martial arts/Kung Fu/Karate thing going on. She'll attack with a flurry of kicks and punches, knocking you out before you ever knew what hit ya. This girl gets all the sarcastic comments and one-liners. Colleen also has a tad bit of a crush on Hunter, and leave it to Hunter to be oblivious of it! Or maybe he does know but is afraid to let on? The plot thickens!


Exile is a Husky from Siberia. What can I say? Everyone loves this guy! How can you not?! His English is a little but he makes up for it with his actions and heart of gold. He's very loyal to his "comrades" no matter what. Even Blitz, whom he tends to call "weird boy"...the title fits. Besides his bone-crushing bear hugs, Exile's superpowers lie in his big blue eyes. This includes freeze vision, heat vision, night vision, and binocular vision. I think that's all of them. WOW! Imaging his eye exam! Eeesh!


Ah, Blitz, the Doberman from Germany. Well, how shall I put this? He's very hung-up on himself! If he had his own car, the bumper sticker would read "I am not conceited because conceit is an imperfection and I am perfect". He isn't one of the bravest things in the world, either. All right, all right, I'll get to his strong points! Blitz's power is his teeth and claws. Man, those things are lethal! When in full gear he can make those things grow to about the size of a #2 pencil! And what is his favorite thing to do with his powers? Bite tushies! AAAAAH! Other than Exile calling him "weird boy", there is another Rover who won't call him Blitz...but it's not intentional. Colleen somehow always forgets his name, and face for that matter! In return, Blitz tries to flirt with Colleen every chance he gets. Anyone surprised by this raise you little hand.


The Swiss sheepdog was recruited for his...bravery. Um...I think the master said it best "Well, four outta five ain't bad". Oh well. Shag is very intimidating! And probably as strong as 10 men at least! His weakness? Foooooood. This dog is his own duffle bag, too. For instance, I would be surprised if they found Elvis and Jimmy Hoffa in his fur. Shag doesn't speak English at all and Hunter usually is his interpreter.


Muzzle isn't exactly a Road Rover, but does go with them on the occasional mission. Muzz's story is a sad one. His real name is Scout and he belonged to Professor Shepherd until he was kidnapped by General Parvo (see villains) to force Shepherd to give him the blueprints to the Transdogmafier, the device that gives the Rovers their powers and human-like qualities. It didn't quite work out and Scout was left alone on the street before he was picked up by the pound where Hunter befriended him and saved their lives. Muzzle was left mad by all this and more so he stays with The Master, otherwise known as Professor Shepherd. I live for happy endings like this.

The Master

This guy is responsible for it all! Originally Prof. Shepherd, he invented the Transdogmafier and recruited the Rovers. He found them all homes and sends them on their missions. Without him none of this would be possible. Let's here it for the dude! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho!
Psst! Want to know about some of our enemies? Yeah, I thought so.Come on!
You can get more info on our favorite canines at the Offical Site