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Zudnik's dog house

Oh, hi! I'm the creator of this page and this is my dog Zudnik! Say hello, Zuddy. *deep growl* Does Zudnik want a cookie? *nodnod* Then say HELLO! *woof!* Good boy! I tell you he's impossible. Anyway, he gets a bath once a week (and soaks everything in the place), gets fed at 5:00 each day (not to metion table scraps), and gets loved every second of every day! *whines* OH! your cookie! *toses him a cookie* Darn near forgot. Well,I just bought him a new toy,so let's leave him alone to play with it for a while. Don't you want a Rover for your own? Then go straight to Star's Adopt-A-Rover Program! Come back soon!

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Star's Adopt-A-Rover Program