Images In WebTV E-Mail

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Placing images in your e-mail is very simple, once you know the following HTML tag:

<img src="http://url.of.the.image"> </plaintext></center><p>Just replace the "url.of.the.image" with its actual address on the web.<br><hr>You can move the image to the middle of the screen by using the <plaintext><center> and </center></plaintext> tags around the <plaintext><img src></plaintext> tag like this: <p><center><plaintext> <html> </plaintext><br><plaintext> <center> </plaintext><br><plaintext> <img src="http://url.of.the.image"> </plaintext><br><plaintext> </center> </plaintext><br><plaintext> </html> </plaintext></center><p><hr>You can also change the size of a picture by adding height and width attributes to the <plaintext><img src></plaintext> tag:<p><center><plaintext><img src="http://url.of.the.image" height="x" width="y"></plaintext></center><p>Replace the x and y with the height and width you wish to use. Try to keep the ratio of x to y the same as in the original, or the image will be distorted.<br><hr><center><a href="/on/r2s/images2.html"> More</a> on images &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <a href="/on/r2s/webtvhtml.html">Back</a> to HTML For WebTV<br><hr></center></font><font size="1" color="#333333"> <p> <center><a href=""> questions? comments</a><p><a href=" ?327021" target="top"><img src=" 9" width="75" height="25"></a><br><a href="" target="top" nocolor> LE Fastcounter </a></center> </font> </body> </html>