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and welcome to my humble cyber-abode! If you have happened to stumble across this page by accident or even with intent, I shall attempt to make your stay a pleasant and durable one. I, Paul Townsend, am your host for the time-being and hope you will enjoy my pages on such youthful pastimes as Guitars, Sport, together with the information on myself, my mates and my family, and the beautiful area in which i live .......sunny Wales!!! Not to mention that unique experience which is student life.

If you're not interested in the same things as me, then no worries! My sporting interests are quite high though, so I hope that there's something here to take everybody's fancy. This is a new site so bear with me or simply watch it expand!!!!

Subject list and brief description:

  • Guitars - since a few years ago guitar-playing has become an important part of my life. Here I explain my motivations, (little) history and (even littler) success! Includes some tabulature for my favourite songs.
  • Sport - when i can be arsed to get out of bed, this is what I like doing.
  • Mates - we all got 'em (well, some of us) and I'm no exception. Here you'll find amusing descriptions, as well as a list of past present (and maybe future?) friends. Stick on my good side, and you'll find a glowing description of you will soon appear quicker than you can say "How much will it cost?".
  • Family - my nearest and dearest who I hold so close to my heart. What's that I hear you say? A load of what? No, it's the truth. Again, descriptions and "artist's impressions".
  • Wales - the brilliant country in which I live. I'm not the flag-waving type who likes to piss on English soil, but I am proud of where I live and here I try to convince the world (and I don't get paid by the Welsh tourist board......honest!).
  • Student life - and what a life it can be. That's if you ignore all those non-student comments like "bunch of tax-pinching piss-heads".
  • What's Hot and What's Not! - just a few of my fave things at the moment....especially bands and films, as well as TV programmes.
  • The Simpsons - a special additional page devoted to the yellow family from Springfield.

Last updated at 16:30 12/09/98. If you want to contact me about shared interests or anything else, e-mail me at