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My first try to have my own homepage.

My name is Polina. I live in Houston with my son Peter.We moved here few years ago. The main purpose of this homepage is to update my relatives,who live in Russia and friends,who apparently right now live all over the world.

I grew up in Novosibirsk,RU. If you would like to see some pictures from Novosibirsk,CLICK HERE!

Hi! Here we are!

Polina and Peter!

Aren't we the cutest thing!!!?

We live pretty happily in Houston and would like to share with you some of the interesting things we are doing here!


If you would like to see the latest pictures, CLICK HERE!


I have a great group of friends. You can see our homepage if you click hereTHE GANG!


I work at Baylor College of Medicine in the research lab.We study genetics of the Drosophila.If you would like to see pictures from my lab, CLICK HERE!

Here I am in Paris,France

We like traveling a lot.And we are trying to do it as often as possible!!!


If you would like to see pictures of our trip to Taos, CLICK HERE!

If you would like to see pictures of my friends, CLICK HERE!

If you would like to see pictures of my trip to Europe, CLICK HERE!EUROPE!!!!
Recent events!

Here I am in Paris,France

TEXAS requires us to be really tough in order to survive.

Texas is cowboy country! My son finds cowboy culture very fascinating! Texas Rodeo is an annual event in Houston. Live stock show,country music concerts etc. let us to learn more about this side of the American life.

We like to live in Houston,but sometimes I feel really nostalgic. I miss my family the most.

If you would like to see pictures of my family, CLICK HERE!

And I miss my Russian friends! I would like to say "Hi!" to everybody!

If you would like to see pictures of my russian friends, CLICK HERE!