Dancing Under The Stars



Life is fractured, disjointed, out of whack. There is something rotten in the state of Denmark, the world at large, the human condition. We are split off from our divine source, our true nature, our deepest self. It is because of this that life is painful, difficult, filled with unnecessary suffering. True life, as very few people on the planet have lived it, as it can and ultimately should be lived, is not difficult. It is joy-filled, bliss-based, full of wonder, freshness and spontaneous surprise. It is wide, deep and powerful. It meets and is in harmony with everything. It works in the superfluidity of fully actualized interconnectedness. All the parts dance beautifully within the higher context of the greater whole. This is not a fairy tale. It is a deep reality. It is a truth that the greatest world teachers have lived and known - are now living and attempting to point to. If the whole world is off balance, how can life within it be ultimately fulfilling?

Please come in and follow my pages...it is a tour of life as I see it...from birth to death and beyond. Hold on...it is a wild ride!

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Background music is Copyright © 1996, 1997 by Michael D. Walthius. All Rights Reserved.
Graphics Copyright © by Kitty of Full Moon Graphics All Rights Reserved.