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One On One With Brett Garsed
An Interview With The Fans

Brett was kind enough to take some time from his busy schedule to answer a few questions from the Nelson fans. This interview was printed in the July/August 2001 issue of Brother Harmony. This interview is copyrighted. Please do not reproduce this interview without a written permission by the folks at Brother Harmony.

Julie: What have you been doing since the ATR tour?
Brett: I've been doing all kinds of things. I released 3 albums with TJ Helmerich which are mainly instrumental, I did an album with Bobby Rock called "Out of Body", I teach at Musicians Institute in Hollywood and I still tour with John Farnham, the Australian singer I got my original break with.

Julie:What projects are you currently working on?
Brett: TJ and I are finishing a new album for Shrapnel Records. It'll be all instrumental.

Angie Jent: At what age did you get into music?
Brett: I was 12 years old when I started playing guitar but I think I've been into music ever since I was old enough to know what it was! :)

Angie Jent:Who was your biggest musical inspiration to become a guitarist?
Brett: Deep Purple's Ritchie Blackmore!

Angie Jent:At what age were you certain that playing the guitar & music was something that you wanted to a living or just for fun?
Brett:To be honest, I've always done it for fun but I guess I started feeling it was something I'd like to make my profession at about age 21. That's when I sent my tapes out and John Farnham called me.

How old were you when you got your first guitar?
Brett: My older brother played a bit so there was always this guitar under the bed! My mother bought me my own guitar at age 12.

What are your influences?
Brett: I'd have to say life! Musically speaking I'm influenced by absolutely everything I hear and I've never heard a style of music that I couldn't find some version of it that I enjoyed. What I experience in my own life affects the way I play music so just being alive is an influence.

What gig is the most memorable?
Brett:That's a hard one as they're all as important as each other. I'll always remember playing in Munich, Germany at a huge festival with John Farnham in 1987 in front of 110,000 people!!! Some of the gigs we did on the Nelson tour were absolutely among the best of my life!! I had so much fun it was almost a crime! :)

What would be "The dream gig?"
Brett:One where I could just be me without any other expectations from anyone. I haven't found it yet and probably won't until I form my own band I suppose.

) Do you play any other instruments besides guitar?
Brett: Not well enough to say I can "play" them!:) I can muck around on a drum kit but I'm no drummer!

Name one experience as a musician that happened to you....that was the best, the worst and the funniest.
Brett: The best was getting to meet and play with John Farnham, the worst was having to choose between joining Nelson and leaving John as I really wanted to work with Nelson. It was a terribly hard decision although I never regretted it for a second!! It was just like leaving my family in Australia to come and live with my new family in the US. The funniest is a tough one! Can't think of anything that stands out although some of John's stage patter is hysterical!

How does the music industry differ between Australia and the US?
Brett: Not much. It's just harder for bands to have huge success in Australia as we have less population but the vibe is the same as the US.

What are your plans for the future?
Brett: Just keep making music and hopefully making people happy by doing it! :)

The owner of this site would like to thank the following for making this possible. Brother Harmony for permission to reprint this interview and of course the one and only Brett Garsed for taking the time.

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