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London & Area Bed & Breakfasts
Ontario - Canada

2 0 0 1

Main Phone Number 519-851-9988

To everyone that visits this site.
Please click on the mailbox and send a note ....
We would like to hear from you, either near or far.
Mail will be forwarded to any member.
Thanks Kindly
Don Charlton
web creator

I came to the Stream
and the Water has moved on.
Go to our new page

To view New Web Page
Click Here »:

Please fill out the following form. We will try to meet your request.
You will receive a reply as soon as possibe. - Please check your E-Mail address

What is your name?
How many in your party?
What is your email address?
What is your phone number?
What is your city and country?
What is your date of arrival?
What is your length of stay?
What is your choice of B & B's?
(In order of preference, by number)
Additional comments?

Don Charlton
4842 Dundas St., Thorndale, Ontario, Canada, N0M 2P0
Phone 519-851-9988 answered by DON CHARLTON
Click HERE to send mail !
Mail will be forwarded to any of the above.
Fax 519-268-8442