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The Insiders Report                       

Oswego County

For the Week of December 13th.   


Latest Rumor on Oswego Mayor-Elect's Newest Appointment

It appears one of the new Mayor's appointments has a few unpaid bills that he may consider paying before taking over his new position as the head of the city public works department.  It has been reported from good sources that the new head of the city's public works department has a sizable unpaid tax bill to the city.  Maybe that is why he was appointed to the $50,000.00 + a year position. 

Take a few dollars a paycheck and the back taxes will be paid in say four years or so.  

What the Republican Majority Wants for Christmas.

There seems to be a never-ending stream of rumors on what will happen come January 1st. Who will control the vote to determine the Chairman of the county legislature is the main topic.  While it is very interesting and it sells papers, the real question is who will control the money.  Close to five million of it is controlled in one way or the other by the chairman of the county legislature.   At present the "Republican Majority" controls this post and with it the purse strings of what is coined No-Bid contracts.

Would it surprise anyone in Oswego County the lions share of these "give a ways" go to the who's who of the Oswego Republican Party Leadership. Of course not, because it does.

Lets look at a few examples. Norman Seiter, former Republican County Chairman, and rumored actual brains behind the Republican Party is one of those that receive a large sum.  Mr. Seiter receives $280,000.00 dollars a year to represent just the county social services department.( See an actual bill)  What is interesting to note is nobody, other lawyers, never get to BID on business. That's right, all the highly qualified attorneys in the entire county of Oswego are froze out.  Who gives out this plum, who ever controls the legislature?

Next how about an even bigger slice, 1.3 MILLION dollars a year.  Guess who in the republican Party gets this. Current Republican Treasurer Charles Harrington that's who. This is given for the county's insurance needs. What is important to point out is that with all the competition in the insurance business, we don't even allow other insurance companies to bid. I guess the county has never heard of GEICO Direct? Who gives out this plum, who ever controls the legislature?

Now to round this off how about the current Republican County Vice Chairman Ed Vayner. Would you like to make $270,000.00 a year and never have to worry about competing against anyone for the business?  That's just what the Ad Agency that Vayner owns does.  It receives all the county ad business and never has to compete against anyone for it.  Sweet deal right. Who gives out this plum, who ever controls the legislature

So when you hear about who is supporting who for chairman of the county legislature, it would be better to ask if whom they are supporting will get rid of these "waste of taxpayers dollars" called no-bid contracts. The current "faithful" republican majority, all supported by these people, have just turned their heads the other way then these give a ways are questioned. What do they care, it's only your tax-dollars.

Nothing to be Concerned About or Another Political Cover-up?

Several reports have surfaced that another county legislator has allegedly used county resources for themselves personally. What is alarming is not this individual case, but the number and constant reports of this very same set of circumstances. This time it is Legislator Brown that is being accused of wrongdoing. We stress accused as no "official" report has been made. You might like to note that the county highway committee meet on this subject just last week, but was reported to have broken state law with their closed-door session.

What is being reported is that county highway equipment and workers were used to carry away an old barn on her property. Again, just to refresh your memory, a county highway worker was arrested and charged with the use of a truck and employees to haul milling two weeks ago. Of course the millings according to state and county sources have no value. If you see a likeness in the two cases you are not the only one.

It seems that what is needed is not another investigation in the county, but rather new leadership. The problem goes deeper than mere gathering of facts, but the will do what is RIGHT when they find them. Oswego County needs leadership that does not create elaborate scams to conceal the obvious, but rather the courage to face the facts.

Legislator Brown really cannot be faulted for doing what the present "Republican Leadership" views as their right. The finial judges were the voters this fall and we all know how you voted.

Jack Tyrie - Resign of Stay?

There has been much talk as late as to if the Town Supervisor of Oswego Town should stay
or resign.  Before that question is answered lets first look at who is asking for this.  No suprise the  ones who are coordinating  this are the REPUBLICAN ELITE of the County. It seems that with Tyrie beating them at the polls, they are now trying to find a way to over turn the election.

You might ask did Tyrie do something in connection with his position of  Town Supervisor? The answer is NO.  So why the outcry.  Simple, Oswego Town Elite Republicans don't like getting beat. They have for years padded their pockets with taxpayers money and Tyrie is now making it hard to do that.  They want the "good old days" back when they could do anything they wanted and no one stood up to them.

Now you might want to ask the same "concerned citizens" were they also calling for other Office holders to resign when they misused their public office?   Did they joint the outcry when Legislator Bisbo was held by a report from the county legislature to have filed reports for mileage he did not drive? Did they joint the outcry when Legislator Jerrett illegally used county funds to sue other legislators and the case was thrown out of court? Are they now crying for the resignation of Legislator Brown who has admitted in the papers to having used public works workers for personal work on her farm? NO,NO and NO

Get real.  It's politics.  Jack Tyrie, stay and keep giving them hell.

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