~You GO Girlfriends!~

gayle is my best friend in the whole wide world...she's just about as loud and crazy as me, and always has a thought or opinion...i mean, we're not EXACTLY alike, but we're about as close as we can be...she also happens to be my boyfriends sister, so that makes everything so much cooler...if you wanna know someone who knows EVERYTHING about me, she's the one! i mean, sure she's a blonde bitch and all, but that's okay!
here's a pic of me and gayle in the library on halloween (that's why the hair is so yellow....)

...and gayle all alone in the library....NERD ALERT!

you can visit her crappy, short little webpage @
and you can email her @

judy's quite the little whore, as you can see...she's also a cheerleader, so she's ditzy as hell...but we still luv her!! that's right, she's the cutest, funniest chick on the block....hehehehe. now, here's something you hafta understand about her mine and gayle's friendship...it's DIFFERENT than most...i'm not saying we're lesbians or anything, but once you check out judy's stupid little webpage, you'll see what i mean...here are a couple shots of judy at parties....(WOAH!)

...and here's her in the aftermath....

here's her stupid website:
and you can mail her at:

(no picture available....YET!)
Heather is a quiet, shy little skank...hehehe...but now that she's hanging out with me and gayle and judy more, she's turned into a FREAK just like us! So it's all good...she's the only one of my friends who i actually grew up with, other than marcus, but he doesn't count because he's a *gasp* BOY! so, heather's crazy for this one guy but won't f***ing call him!!!!! so she can just go to hell. we would disown her but she makes a lot of money, plus she's my smoking partner!! 'cept somebody hasta tell her that dumarier SUCKS ASS!

tami is my volleyball BUD-DY! she lives in town here, so it's cool to hang out every now and then...she's quite the loud, crazy person....JUST LIKE THE REST OF US! (am i beginning to see a pattern here?) hmm, provactive...she's younger than me, and therefore she sucks, but she's still cool...we have way to much fun picking up guys at the schools we go to for vball or basketball....hehehehe....anyways, so this is she, yes, and she is a slut, so feel free to call her at 1-900- - - oops, i wasn't supposed to put that in!! shit! oh well!!
you can email her @:

(no picture available....YET!)
cheryl has MONO!! ahahahaha...wait, that's not funny...cause i had it before HER! oops! anyways, you can see how close we are...we go to church together...and camp, and she has a pool and pool table and hot tub so i like to visit her. she's a "net" person, she has icq...so if ya find her, some crazy girl who knows me, say hi for me, since i don't get to see her that often....she's weird, but so am i, so it's all good!!!
you can email her @:

val was one of my really good friends....then she moved away and i don't really talk to her all that much anymore, because she's always moving and i never have her number! but if by chance she finds this webpage, i miss you val! call me, i'm still at the same old number as i've always been! she's the best, we used to have so much fun, cheating in gym class and goofing off in french...oh well, hope someday she gets her ass back here so we can party like we used to! (did we ever party? i dunno!!) so yeah, she's cool, nothing bad to say about her except "i can't believe you went out with victor!" =D

(click HERE for pic)
ashley has sort of been out of the loop lately, please don't ask...but she used to be great friends with me and gayle and judy...she's now going out with jim, which is kinda cute i think...but don't tell anyone i said that! She goes to a different school, so i don't exactly see her all that often, but when i do, we have fun...(and NO i'm NOT a lesbian! stop asking me!) thank you!
her email addy: