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Welcome To My World Of Wonders



Melissa Rae
17 years old

Freshman in College
San Antonio, TX

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Hey! This is Melissa. Well, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am 17 and I am a Freshman in college. I know it sounds young to be in college, but I skipped my Junior year and graduated as the Class of 2000! It's all about us. I want to major in Child Psychology. I am currently working as a Cashier at H-E-B. I enjoy it.

People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

On another note...I love to write poetry. I like to meet new people and that is why I chat on the Internet. I have a dog named Shasta and she hates strangers. I like to watch my favorite shows on T.V. I watch "Friends" I like to hang out with my friends and talk on the phone. One of my really good friends, Brandon, is a going to be a great movie writer. So everyone just wait for him to get his Oscar. Sometimes in life a teenager can feel like they are just pushing a ball up a hill to watch it roll back down. More to come later on in the future. I try to stay updated, but it's hard. Thanx. Sign My Guestbook and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
I will always be working on this page so things will change from time to time. Enjoy my NEW page of Poems. Also, see how you can get money for just being online.




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