i have a bit of a sad message for all of you today. for the past few weeks i've been seriously thinking about the new robin page i was going to make. during that time i thought very seriously about why i started this page in the first place.

this page went on the net in march of 1999 with one purpose: to give fans like myself a website where they could learn more about this fabulous band. see, back then, there were no other sites on the net about robin black or the intergalactic rockstars. i wanted to change that, i wanted to give fans a resource.

it's almost three years later now and i think this website has achieved it's purpose. today there are lots of websites on the net about this band and it's members. you no longer have to scour your local paper for upcoming tour dates, finding other fans of the band is no longer a fruitless effort...

i guess what i'm saying is that i'm done. i resign. thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way and to all the wonderful people i have met because of this website. it's been fun kids...

This page wouldn't have happened without a few people:
Pina - for almost everything to do with this site. this girl has helped me endlessly with her pictures, insider info and even our very first reviews. Annette - for all her stories and pictures. Ingrid for first introducing me to these guys, for telling them about the site and for entertaining me with her many anecdotes. Leora - for all the pictures and articles she sent in. thank you everyone for everything you did...

for those looking for the RBIRS mailing list, you can still join here: