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Selena's Stats

*NOTE: these are stats for a fictonal game character, anything familiar is a fluke and not to be taken as my belief or religion. All information is for the use of Yahoo RPGs and nothing else*

Real Name: Selena LightDemon

Age: 21

Race: Vamp-LightDemoness

Home: LightDemon Inn & Tavern, Abyss, and Shadow Relm

Occupation: General of Lucifer's Hell Army, Leader (co-leader) of The Bloodtides.

AD&D Stats: Chaotic Neutral .. Level 31 Fighter

Strength: 19

Intelligence: 21

Wisdom: 18

Dexterity: 20

Constitution: 18

Charisma: 19

AC: -12

(above stats are approx, I use Paladuim for my characters)

Personal Description: 5'7", blonde hair, sky blue eyes, muscular build, spiked wings, red and black hell army general armour with a penatagram on the middle of the chest, one sword on the back and one at the side, 2 razor whips on the other side cliped on, a oddly moving bag by the whips, an empty scabbard on her back for when she hunts, a long black cape and hood. Quick temper, highly intelligent with a good business sence, can melt into and manipulate shadows proficiantly, knowledge of some magics, but not alot.

LightDemon: A fallen angel that went to Lucifer to fight the final battle between Heaven & Hell, they were angels who were spliced with deons, to pocess both powers of good and evil, te perfect balance, thus the best fighters. Pocessing angelic and demonic features (Sel has wings and clawed hands) thus holy and evil spells are nulled. Trained to be bloodlusted killers they were fighting machines with astute abilities. But Sel was tainted by a Vampire and is now more on the dark side, thus holy good magics make her violently ill, like a heal spell will make her sick to her stomach.

Armour: Black and Red General of Lucifer's Hell Army, lightweight and flexable to an amout. Properties: immunities- ALL fire, evil and chaotic, some lightning, minimal holy,ice and undetermined. Only highly magical weapons can penetrate the armour and it when activated is surrounded by BlackHellFyre.


*all BlackRune weapons were used by Lucifer in the last war between Heaven & Hell*

Sword; 4' in length, black and red, the top of the blade is serated and curved, bottom is razor sharp and can cut through almost all armour not including gem armour or high magic or blessed armour, basic armour, flesh, bone, rock. Magic Properties: shoots BlackHellFyre and has the ability to open a vaccum portal to the Abyss. (other magics are unknown at this time)*BlackHellFyre: is a flame that will melt armour, skin to the bones and char bones to brittle. Main attack spell of Lucifer and is high chaotic magic that causes extreme damage*All magics need prep and require only a muttered word, the chanting is what causes extreme attacks.

RazorWhip: 14' in length the whip part 13', leather that is cured, cursed and blessed with BlackHellFyre, versitile as leather and hard to almost industructable and sharp as a razor. In solid form will sever almost anything other than armour as stated above. In HellFyre state will burn like the Sword spell, but is locked onto the appendage causing more of an effect, and will not sever but render the opponent burned, charred, hurt bad or dead, for the fyre will enter the bloodstream and incinerate from the inside out.

Dagger: 10" in length, forged the same way, coated with liquid BlackHellFyre, when punctured, the poison will run through the bloodstream doing the above. Light weight, easy to throw at high speeds, perfectly balanced, and can turn transparent.


ShadowSword: 3 1/2' pewter grey sword, light weight and easy to wield. The blade in solid form can cut through most objects and never dulls. In shadow form, will go through ANYTHING but do no damage at all. No known projectile spells or magics.

ShadowRazorWhip: basic description found in the "Artifacts Page" @ www.angelfire/on/kellindil. Same workings as the BlackRune, only when in Shadow form will lock and hold but do no damage. In solid form will do exactly the same as above.

*NOTE: ALL RazorWhips will return to holder with a murmer of a word for they are enchanted to thier owners with a psi bond, so if lost, stole, or knocked out of the hand they will return to the owner with the command*

SilverLupineSlayer: *rarely used, only for hunting* Solid tempered Silver sword 3' in length and very easy to use, it is blessed and made for the sole purpose to kill any type of werewolf. it also shoots out a beam of silver light that will teporarily hold the werewolf in a state of inanimation, thus thier ability to run away is taken and they are glued to the spot for final strike.

*NEW*(on artifacts page) KissOfDeath: a 6" blow gun, made of unknown metal, feather light and easy to conceal, accuracy of hit is 90% (an assassin's dream weapon) The Darts are 3" in legnth, can pierce almost all things, except stated armour above and poisoned with a toxin called BlackWidow. BlackWidow Toxin will cause; intence pain, profuse swelling, difficulty in breathing, loss of conciouness, violent cunvultions, and death. It runs quickly through the system. Time lapse: non-active 15 minutes for the symptoms to reacat, active 7 minutes due to adreneline and rapid bloodflow. Made and used for Demon Hunters in the Abyss, these little guys can take down big dragons and alot of forms of demon/daemons. The ONLY antitoxin known is only known by Selena and the Hunters.

Redemption: a Silver broad sword, 4 1/2 feet in length made of the purest silver, on the plain hilt is a small heart shaped diamond inbedded in it, within the blade is the soul of Steven Hikari. It glows a faint white aura and has a slight humm to it in dormant state. With the soul of an angel and using what little Holy power she posessed, Selena made the perfect Holy Avenging sword the total opposite of BlackRune and will call upon the highest powers of heaven as attacks when activated. It also helps Sel control her weakness to Holy spells.