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Ethiopian and Ethiopian Related Links

Alumni and Alumni Related Home Pages

Ethiopia & Eritrea Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
Getachew Bolodia Foundation

News, Radio, and TV Programs

German, Amharic Radio Program
Ethiopian Radio and TV Programs


Addis Ababa University
Nazareth School
Lycee Gebremariam School
Saint Joseph School Alumni homepage
Sandford School homepage
I.C.S., A.A.
Ethiopian Distance Learning Association
Bingham Academy Alumni


Ethiopia Embassy in Sewiden
Ethiopian Embassy in U.S.A.
Ethiopian Embassy in Canada
Ethiopian Embassy in Japan
Ethiopian Embassies Address

Political Partis

All Amhara People Organization (AAPO)
Ethiopian People Revolutionary Party (EPRP)
Tigrean Alliance For National Democracy
Oromia Support Group
Ethiopian Congress


Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church
Debre Selam Kidist Mariam Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church In Washington DC
St. Mary's Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church In Los Angeles
St. Michael Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church In Washington DC
St. Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church In Seattle
Geja Kale Heywet Church Litrature Ministry
Ethiopian Jewry Home Page

Ge'ez Software providers

Ethiopic software
Ethio Systems
Ethio-Software Development
Geez Font

Computer Services In Ethiopia

PC House
Omni Tech Computer Technology Center
Alem Technology

Ethiopian Sport Pages

Ethio Soccer Web Page
Dashen Soccer Club Home Page
Ethiopians in North America Foot Ball Federation

Travel Agencies

Ethiopian Air Lines
Info for Travel in Ethiopia

Ethiopian Music

AIT Records
Ethiopian Music Page

Ethiopian ART

Smoth As Silk
Wosene's World
Ethiopian Photo Gallery
Debre Hayq Ethiopian Art Gallery

More Links

Addis Ababa Page
Return Our Obelisk!
Ethiopia Page
Information about Ethiopia
The ACG Ethiopia Page
C.I.A. Fact Book about Ethiopia
World Heritage Site in Ethiopia
Ethiopian History Page
Links to Virtual Museum and Biblography of Ethiopia
Ethiopia: Virtual Library
Cyber Ethiopia
Ethio Mall
Ethio List
Ethiopia on the Web
A guide to Ethiopian Cultur in New York City
Ethiopian Internet White Pages
The Ethiopian Economic Association
Ethiopians Shipping Lines
Ethiopian Telecommunication Corp.
Addis Ababa Chamber Of Commerce
Addis Ababa Home Page

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