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Headlines.... The new South Park Movie entitled "South Park Bigger, Longer, & Uncut" from Paramount will hit theaters June 30. A New SP music vidio will air on TRL this thursday and will be on rotation on MTV.

Saturday July 3rd

The SP Movie

I have seen the new sp movie twice already I dont think I have ever laughed so much in my entire life. So if you havent seen it already I suggest you do! Now I have creatd A new section on the new SP racing game for N64 and all of the originals have been orginized on the menubar. Many of you frequent visitors have asked why I dont update the site as much, well because I get nothing out of this site and I put so much work into it. So Please click on our ads!!

Sunday June 20th

Were rolling again!

We are really rolling again we have a few new stuff up, all of your e-mail requests have been taken care of whick means more links, kenny says, and the SP yearbook is almost done. The Kenny Says section has been updated with more ways to kill the little bastard. And The members section totally crashed so it is gone. The New SP movie which is going to hit theaters June 30th has an article in this months rolling stone which describes how Matt and Tray are fighting with the rating companys to keep many scenes in the movie and have a full interview with the creators Matt Stone and Tray Parker. Pick it up Today.

Sunday June 13th

New stuff

Ok now that I have fineally have updated here it is the menu bar has been given a new look with 3-D pics and text. Forms have been put on the You Kill Kenny and on the links. There are a few new links up, and some animated pics, and backgrounds. Also come back next weekend where we will have the stuff from the new episode and some lyrics.

Sunday May 9th

Imm Back

Why havent I updated in almost 25 days?? Three reasons 1.The South Park World is really slow lately 2. I've been in New York 3. And Friday was my birthday. Now that I am back and relaxed Im goanna take it nice and slow, about one update a week unless I feel spiffy. What have I done today? Quite a bit All of the episode stuff from Chefs Mama is up, I have won 2 new awards, and there is a bunch of new SP Crap like animated pics, wallpapers, and banners. Also when the next update rolls around I will have more info on the SP movie, another original feature, and more lyrics. Later.

Sunday April 18th

Were Getting Original!

Here at Este's Park we have 10 original features, plus the new one added today Called Cheesy Poof Prize and two more coming in the month to come we truely are Getting Original!! Also the Poll for SP Yearbook is up again, this time I ask you to vote with stuff that makes sence. And I found a really cool thing called Imagine Radio( where you can create your own radio station and only have it play the music you like go here to create your own station or click on the button below to listen to my staion.

Thursday April 15th

All of the episode stuff

OOOK the useual has been updated Pics, Upcoming Episodes, My Opinions, Deaths of Kenny, Who Killed Kenny, and the site of the week. The Scripts, Kennys Says, and Visitor Sighting will be up this weekend. And a new Original feature will be up this weekend too.

Monday April 12th


Many of you have asked for me when Im gonna update and now is the time. I have a crap load of stuff to update and put on the site all april so do come often. First off all of the Script are now up including the new episode. I have been having many problems with the memebers section and now it wont let anyone in even if you have the right password (this will be fixed by this weekend). All of the link and award requests have been answered, and all of the images from episode 301 are up. I am now looking for someone who knows flash and is willing to work on the site. And last my birthday is in early May and for a present I am asking for my own domain, so by May 15th the site will be at (no garantee this will happen) with a sweet new look, or If I dont move the will be a kick ass new layout. As I said before throughout the month of April there will be tons of new stuff and I mean tons!!! Later.

Friday April 9th

All Apologies

Im gonna do this real fast because I got to go, Im sorry for no updates for the last week but before the new episode there was really nothing to update but expect 2 updates every week for now on. Most of the stuff from the new episode have been updated like Upcoming Episodes, My Opinions, Deaths of Kenny,and Who Killed Kenny. The Scripts, Kenny Says, and Site of the week, will be Updated this weekend. And most of the banners on the site have been switched to Click Agents they are highly recomended and if you are intrested in joining please e-mail me (because the pay me extra if I refer someone). And I am flat broke so if you want to see a new contest soon all I ask you click on one of the ad's.

Thursday April 1st

Grand Opening of Total Celebs

My new site Total Celebs is now open. Total Celebs is a cool site that is devoted really hot women, I have kicked it off with Katie Holmes and Begining to add Britney Spears. 2-3 New Celebs will be added every month but by May there will be 10 Celebs. Hope You like my new site!!!!

Monday March 29th

Help Me!!!!

Hey I got a problem you see I lost all of the updates that I had on the site but if you view the sorce of a site it saves the HTML Text in your comp. So if you have viewed the sorce of my site in the past(in the last 2 weeks) please e-mail me!!!!!!

--Site Of The Week--

South Park Stuff

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