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News Update

I will try and post any new information I come across, on this page that may be of interest to you.

  • Endometriosis Presentation
    My Notes on the Endometriosis Presentation by Mary Lou Ballweg and visitor speaker Dr. Debbie Meskar (sp.?):

    The key Mary Lou believes is that "Knowledge is Power"

    There is a high incidence of allergies amongst women with endometriosis, for it is believed that it is also an immune disease along with a hormonal disease. The North American study on Endo and allergies shows that 57% have any allergy, 41% are allergic to pollens (the general population having a 3% rate); 17% have eczema (the general population having a 6% rate); 14% have asthma (the general population having a 6% rate).
    Ages allergies tend to arise

  • Mid to late teens for many allergies
  • 30’s for many of the chemical allergies we tend to get e.g. Perfume sensitivities
  • · Treatments
    Depo-Provera was said to be the least helpful
    Top 3 most helpful from a North American Survey on Endometriosis
    1.Candidasis Treatment (Search for Information and Books on Candida/Yeast – I will put more information on this soon, you can also try the web site, I received a booklet on this for No Charge)
    2.Exercise (it is supposed to help in reducing estrogen – walking and yoga are recommended)
    3.Change in Diet (One idea mentioned was Sugar Busters – cutting out sugar from your diet, there is also a book out that is titled The Key to healing through Nutrition, you may order this by going to my Endo books area).

  • Studies have shown that endometriosis travels on the mother’s side of the family.
  • It also seems that Dioxins are a cause for endometriosis, although not proven to be the only cause. Ways of avoiding dioxins are by not taking in animal products e.g. meat, butter, eggs as well as fish. It is also believed that breast feeding transfers dioxins into the baby.
  • 35% of women have continued symptoms after a hysterectomy
  • The technique of surgery (e.g. laser) does not make a difference it is how experienced the doctor is in dealing with the removal of endometriosis and what all-4 types look like.
  • Many women with endometriosis tend to have red, auburn or strawberry blonde hair
  • 30% under 15 years of age have their first pelvic symptoms of endometriosis
  • Dr Meskar believes that there are 4 pillars to healing endometriosis
    1) Surgery
    2) Hormones
    3) Pain – over and above the Endo pain
    4) Immune System (usually you need alternative therapy/medicine to deal with this pillar)

  • Here is an article on menstruation clots, if any of you deal with this, it is a fairly good article that explains why we have clotting and what it really means - written by a Dr.
    Clotting Article