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Point of no Return

George: Sorry to pull you away from your dinner, Mr. Urick.

Hubble: Not to worry, The president can handle it. The ambassador from Mali is reading a poem about his soy harvest. I was thrilled to have an excuse to leave. What do we got, George?

George: Our space net has detected a burst of Taelon I.D. energy coming from an object in orbit around mercury.

Any chance it's a mistake?

No, sir. Half an hour ago, the object left mercury on a trajectory to earth.

Transmit a demand for identification. Use the A.N.A. Protocol -- see who answers. This is The Atlantic National Alliance Defence Command.

Liam: Hubble, We're back.

Kincaid -- Well, I'll be damned. Good to see you. We thought you were dead. Where's Renee Palmer?

The Mother Ship was hijacked to TAU CETI. We were nearly vaporized by the Jaridians. Renee is in the drive bay nursing enough power to bring us home.

Are you two in command yourself? Taelons had two days of energy left, a month ago.

The Taelons survived. There's enough energy on board for us to make it back. We're in bad shape.

George: Our telemetry confirms Mother Ship's systems are down, including the weapons pod.

Hubble: How many Taelons are alive?

Liam: Four hundred and six. They're barely conscious. Rigging up some kind of stasis might keep them alive.

The Taelons aren't welcome. They disappeared, we dealt with it, and good riddance. Come back, get off the ship, send them to kingdom come. If Zu'or thinks he's perching in earth orbit, he can forget it. I have authority to blow the Mother Ship out of the sky, and by god, I'll do it.

Street: Hello.

Liam: Surprise.

Street: I promised I wouldn't get all misty but I thought you two had sailed off into the jaridian sunset forever.

Almost, but not quite.

Renee: Street, the taelons only have 21 hours left.

Liam: We need keep the taelons alive until you crack the last two dimensions of Ma'el's riddle.

Street: No -- I'm through with Ma'el.

The riddle in his relic is the key to their survival. You're the only hope they've got.

Street: Hope? Liam, it's because of me, this "gift" -- Being able to think in multi-dimensions -- nearly got the two of you killed. Any idea what it was like last month, thinking you were dead? I don't want to talk about 9-dimensional levels anymore. You're back --let's have some fun.

Renee: Street, they're all that remain of their entire species. They're ancient, advanced beyond our imagination. We can't let them die. Our destinies are one; they are interwoven.

Don't start that destiny routine. I don't owe anybody. Besides, it's over. Done, finished. I roasted the data disk. It's cyber dust.

Why would you do that?

I tried so hard to break the 8th dimension, I was in one of those trances for three days. I thought it would bring you back. All I got was a dehydrated body and a migraine. I made sure I would never try that again. I don't want to be responsible anymore.

So, you're willing to see a species become extinct?

Liam: We can't make her do it. She's got to want to.

Until then, we've got to get the Taelons off the mother ship and into stasis.

[ Electronic humming ]

Sandoval: You summoned me?

Zu'or: What I'm about to ask you is well worth your time.

Sandoval: I haven't much left. I'm preparing for a departure back to earth.

Zu'or: Before you go, I wish to offer you the privilege of terminating me.

I don't think I heard you correctly.

Zu'or: Is this not the moment you've wished for, even dreamed of? You win, I lose. Your skrill is more than capable of dissipating my energy. Do it quickly.

I see -- "give me immortality or give me death."

What are you talking about?

You're a coward, Zu'or. If you can't live forever, you'd rather not live at all. You're so afraid of a lingering death, you want a quick end. Well, I'm sorry. I no longer take orders from you. I'll enjoy watching you just fade away.

[ Puffing ] [ Roaring ]

Street: That's it. Eighth dimension.

[ Electronic roaring ]

Da'an: As foretold by Ma'el, The light will come in the darkest hour.

Zu'or: Ma'el's riddle has been solved.

George: It's global. The source is indeterminate.

Hubble: What is it? A taelon super-weapon? Jaridian?

We're not sure, sir.

Zu'or: Someone, somewhere, has found the key to our survival. What is it?

Hubble: Go to def-con 3. I'll brief the president.

Street: I was dancing, trying not to think of Ma'el, when it just hit me. Probably because I wasn't trying. I solved the 8th dimension.

Liam: And the light?

I don't know, I don't want to know. It just started somehow. I'll take a migraine pill and try never to think about Ma'el again.

Liam: It's a beacon.

Renee: Where?

Right there -- 2:00.

Fifty-two degrees latitude, 173 Degrees longitude: The Bering Sea. It's the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Seems to be shining from that mountain.

Mount Karmenikov. Volcano. The bureau of seismology says she's dormant but not cold. The last big eruption was over 3,000 years ago.

I'll touch down on the rim. Beginning descent.

[ Electronic whining ]

What's happening?

Helm's not responding. We're being pulled down. Hold on, Renee.

[ Pulsating whine ] [ Roaring ]

Liam: Few bumps and bruises. The I.D. Drive's operational -- she can still fly.

Renee: Look, It's a lava tube on the side of the caldera.

That's where I have to go. What happens here is the turning point: Earth's future.

Liam: I've seen these before. Ma'el was here 2,000 years ago.

Renee: Ma'el got around. Ireland, Peru.

Siberia, apparently.

Looks like a datalog.

Power source is dead. Something in here has an energy signal.

Can you read that?

I think it says it's a portal. [ Electronic warbling ] It leads to another chamber.

No, your atoms could be smeared across a million miles of I.D. Space.

Renee, I told you. Something greater than I am is at work here. Something... Something's drawing me. Some instinct -- maybe it's my kimera heritage. I don't know. My father told me to have faith. He hasn't let me down yet.

Activate your tracker and keep a comm line open. We've got less than 9 hours left.

[ Portal Electronic roaring ]


You're still on earth, but you're more than 1,000 Feet underground.

Liam: I'm in a chamber. There's a pool. Some kind of energy. I can't scan it. The walls are covered with Ma'el's writing.

Let's get Street.

See if Augur will come with her. He's the authority on Ma'el.

Strange -- your coordinates, they keep shifting.

I'm walking back to the portal.

I don't like it. First you're 100 feet up, then you're 30 feet below.

[ Electronic revving ]

The portal's not activating.

It worked less than a minute ago.

[ Faint whining ]

It's dead.

Vorjak: How is our progress, Prajak?

Prajak: Without inter-dimensional technology, this was--

Do you question my command?

No, Vorjak. But our warriors would have preferred spending their final hours on Jaridia, rather than die a meaningless death in an obscure corner of the galaxy.

A meaningless death is staying on Jaridia when we have a final duty. We will reach the mother ship! Jaridia will prevail! And we will die with honour.

Renee: If anyone can fix this portal, it's you.

Augur: Always sticking his nose in places where it doesn't belong.

Don't give me that look. How was I supposed to stop him?

Street: Hold it! We've got to get Liam out of there.

Augur: Looks like your portal grid's out of juice.

Renee: Thanks -- if we'd been using our heads, Liam could have taken a portable portal. You going to get the juice flowing?

Augur: Liam, it's augur. I'm on the case. What's your power situation?

Liam: I feel better knowing you're here. There's power in the chamber but I can't find the source.

Augur: If there's power, we'll get it back on-line. Let's look under the hood, shall we? [ Electronic squealing ] Uh-huh. Aghhh!

Renee: You okay?

[ Electronic humming ]

Street: Oh, my god. It's Ma'el.

Augur: In the flesh... Holographically speaking.

[Ma'el Speaking taelonese ]

Augur: He recorded this 2,000 years ago.

Renee: Liam? Can you translate?

[ Ma'el Speaking taelonese ]

Liam: After his ship crashed, Ma'el founded an alien colony -- not taelon, atavus. They came 8 million years ago.

Augur: Atavus? The taelon proto species -- they're extinct.

Not totally -- this is a healing chamber. Ma'el designed it to regenerate the taelons with the healing energy in the pool, the atavus residual life force.

Renee: Taelons descended from the atavus; it may be compatible.

[ Ma'el Speaking taelonese ]

Liam: Ma'el knew that the dying taelons would follow him here.

Street: Why involve humans? Make someone solve a nine-dimensional code?

To force taelons to collaborate, not dominate humans. And also that two of us must assist the regeneration. One kimera and one human, more evolved than the others. But we'll need his relic to solve the 9th dimension of the riddle.

Street: I'm not going near the 9th dimension. Don't "oh, street" me. I came to help get you out, Liam.

Renee, is there a pilot at Doors that you can trust to keep a secret?

Renee: What for?

Take the shuttle to the mother ship. Have Da'an pick five taelons and bring them back here, with Ma'el's relic. In the meantime, we're going to figure out how to engineer a miracle.

[ Electronic humming ]

Da'an: We saw the light as it was foretold by Ma'el. Liam has led the way to our salvation. There is new hope for my species.

Renee: For six of you, at least. That's better than extinction.

It would be impossible for me to select who lives and who dies.

It's the titanic. There are six seats on the life raft. You have to lead.

There is an ancient taelon procedure. Humans might call it a "triage". We group our consciousness and our energy. Once merged, the commonality of over 400 can live on within the bodies of six.

You'll need the relic that contains Ma'el's original manuscript.

We maintain it in a secure chamber. I shall retrieve it. I must thank you, Miss Palmer.

My friend is trapped in a rock coffin. I'll do anything it takes to save him. Maybe the taelons are ready to give up, but humans can't resist a long shot.

Zu'or: Taelons understand that long shots are pointless. I now have the relic, Da'an, and thereby reduced my risk to nearly zero.

[ Electronic buzzing ]

Sandoval: Report, soldier.

Soldier: We detected a spurious energy signal. Traced it to this device. It doesn't appear on any of the technical diagrams.

Sandoval: Have you told anyone?

Soldier: No, I informed you first.

Sandoval: Good, Erase log entries of this occurrence. I'll take it from here.

Sandoval: Jaridians.

Da'an: It is time. Four hundred and five will enter and merge, and only six will leave. How Zu'or plans to carry out his selfish quest eludes me. All of the portals are non-operational.

Renee: He has the relic, but we don't have time to wait. Ready to leave when you are, with or without Zu'or.

[ Gun Clicking ]

Da'an: Zu'or, what have you done?

Zu'or: Observe the first rule of the galaxy, Da'an. Energy may neither be created nor destroyed. I have conserved what remained in several of our brethren for my own use.

This is an abomination! This is murder! You are damned.

Were you not about to ask them to merge so you might live? I refuse to sacrifice my individuality to the commonality. I choose to regenerate alone and intact.

Relinquish the relic -- Ma'el's prophecy is sacrosanct.

Sacrosanct and subject to revision. Time is precious. I'd proceed quickly with this pitiful integration ritual. By the time you reach the atavus regeneration chamber, there will be one less bio-receptacle available.

[ Communicator beeping ]

Hubble: Renee, what the hell are you doing? You're not authorized to be up there.

Renee: Doors is working on an energy transfer that should allow for a controlled descent.

Don't waste your time. We just prepped four I.C.B.M.S for launch.

Nuclear warheads? Hubble, they're banned!

We kept some megatons under the perma-ice in Rostock. Nothing like having a few nukes for a rainy day.

Hubble, listen to me. Our destiny is linked to the taelons.

The taelons aren't our destiny; they are a detour. Get off that mother ship. That's an order!

You can shove your order.

Augur: Thanks for the update.

Street: What?

Hubble Urick has turned into Dr. Strangelove and Zu'or's got Ma'el's relic.

Forget the relic, we fix the portal, get Liam back, we're out of here.

No -- Liam's right. There's a divine plan -- there's got to be.

Don't go cosmic on me.

Cosmic? You have the multi-dimensional brain. I know you think you're cursed--

Look where we are. What more proof do you need?

You're smarter than that. What's the underlying principle of chaos theory? Infinite correlation, perfection made manifest. That's how you fit in.

Street: Don't try to make this add up -- you can't.

Augur: Because I'm no longer looking for an angle? Liam's right, Juliette. This was meant to happen; to bring us here, now. To bring humanity to this place. The future of our entire species depends on what's going to happen next.

Street: Liam, what's up?

Liam: I think we've got similarities here between taelon stasis tech and these atavan modules. I'm downloading some light data to you.

Sounds good.

[ Electronic fluttering ]


Augur: Look at the particle dragging -- it's intense.

Street: Must be a glimpse of the 9th.

What do we do now?

I don't know. Isolate the taelon components, see what we get.

Half-baked, but what the hell. Liam, we're transferring a draft start-up protocol.

Liam: Hit me. [ Electronic fluttering ] Good work. The modules are responding to the taelon protocols.

Street: Sweet.

Augur: Liam, what's going on?

Liam: I think we've reactivated the energy pool.

Street: You're kidding?

You can't question destiny, Street. The bio-readings -- tell me what we have.

We've activated the regeneration sequence but according to this, we've only got an hour before it overloads.

Liam: Maybe even less.

Da'an: The selection process has been completed. I now carry a portion of the combined taelon consciousness, as do five others, on their way to the shuttle bay.

Renee: Let's get you all down to the regeneration chamber.

Da'an: Zu'or still has the relic and we cannot locate him.

One problem at a time.

[ Electronic throbbing ] [ Whooshing ]

Sandoval: Vorjak.

Vorjak: Sandoval.

I can't let you board yet.

I should not be surprised. You betrayed us once before.

You sent the raiders to destroy earth. I remained true to our original agreement of mutual self-interest.

But now you trap us. Why -- to kill us?

No, It is my fondest wish to see the taelons annihilated. It is not my wish to see my planet obliterated. This is where I choose to live and prosper. So, I propose we agree on a new arrangement.


Spare earth and subjugate it so that I may rule. You have the weapons to dominate the entire planet, and I want them. You give them to me, I will deliver you the taelons.


[ Electronic twittering ]

Computer: Intruder alert, Deck five. Intruder alert, deck five.

[ High energy pulsing ] Ahh!

Sandoval: Follow me. We need to get to the bridge deck.

[ High energy pulsing ] Ahh!

[ Screaming ] Ahh!

Vorjak: You promised me the taelons. Where are they?

Sandoval: Abandoned ship. You may not have noticed, but we're in a shutdown mode, without power, in an untethered, descending orbit.

They've returned to earth then, to die?

No, to live. To be resurrected by atavan technology discovered in a regeneration chamber. There are six bio-receptacles ready to be inhabited. First come, first serve basis.


I don't know the precise location. But I have tracked where the shuttle carrying the taelons has gone.

Tell me now, or die!

We're all going to die, Vorjak. Look at yourself, look at your men. Your hyper-metabolisms are ready to implode. You kill me, you kill yourselves, while the taelons live on and on.

What do you want?

Earth -- intact, under jaridian dominion and my rule. Access to the regeneration chamber is my insurance, and I'm not letting you go there without me.

Agreed. Take us there at once.

In order to do that I'll need help to power up a shuttle. I assume you still have a ration of core energy with you.

No -- it was depleted during our voyage here. We can remove the energy packs from our weapons.

If we use them to supply power to the shuttle only, it should be enough for the journey.

[ Sizzling ]

Liam: Augur, Street, I'm burning up down here. Are you still getting the bio-reading from the receptacles?

Street: Holding steady. How's the portal coming?

Renee: Street, Augur. Help me get the other taelons.

Street: Have to get in line. Liam comes out before a taelon goes in.

Augur: We jump-started the regeneration cycle but it triggered an overload.

Renee: Da'an?

Da'an: I have restored the reserve power.

Street: Get Liam out of there before he fries.

I regret, the nature of this portal is mono-directional.

Why the hell is that?

Ma'el was worried the atavus might spontaneously regenerate and leave before the taelons arrived. Perhaps I can reverse the portal's directionality from within the chamber.

George: We're at def-con 5.

Hubble: Are there any humans on board?

An F.B.I. Agent, Ronald Sandoval.

You're talking sub-human there. What about Renee Palmer?

George: Her shuttle left the ship. We can't confirm if she was on board. The mother ship's shields are weakened. Should be a turkey shoot.

Hubble: I'm not raining on our parade. I want to blow it to hell and be done with it, while it's on the far side of the moon.

Targeting coordinates have been set. Missile command is standing by for launch authorization.

All right. I'll recommend to the president that we do it now.

Vorjak: The energy packs have been integrated.

Sandoval: Computer, direct all but essential power to the shuttle bay.

Computer: Unable to comply.

Sandoval: Why?

Computer: Power has already been diverted to portal system.

Sandoval: Zu'or.

[ Electronic fluttering ] [ Whooshing ]

Vorjak: He was aboard. He'll reach the chamber before us.

Sandoval: Computer, store portal coordinates.

Computer: Emergency alert. Sensors have detected Incoming missiles. Five minutes to impact.

Divert power to port shields. Change course headings. Two zero seven mark eight.

[ Rumbling ]

Zu'or: Major Kincaid. I heard you had preceded me here. As always, I am impressed with your resourcefulness.

Liam: How did you get the link?

Da'an and Miss Palmer unknowingly revealed to me The atavus whereabouts. Ma'el's divining rod was programmed with a preset link to this portal. A useful antiquity, I must say.

Liam: What about the other taelons? If you use one of those receptacles, there won't be enough for everyone else.

They are of no concern because, you see, Major Kincaid, the future is mine.

Zu'or, don't. We haven't unlocked the 9th dimension of the riddle.

[ Electronic fluttering ] [ Rumbling ]

Street: I'm getting a new bio-reading from the regeneration chamber.

Liam: We had an unexpected visitor. Zu'or. He portalled in, Using Ma'el's relic, then he took a dip in the atavus energy pool. He tried to merge with their life force... But something went wrong. Really wrong.

Da'an: I am ready to join you now, Liam. However, I must inform you, Ma'el designed this portal with one-directional capability only.

Augur: I don't care how, but you get my friend's butt out of there somehow, some way. Do you understand?

Our friend -- understood.

Street: Are you sure Zu'or's history? His residual energy is still in the chamber. It started out chaotic but now it's elliptical. Infinite correlation. Divine order. Perfection made manifest.

Renee: What are you talking about?

That's where I have to be.

[ Electronic humming ]

Sandoval: I have the datalink to the chamber. All we have to do is power the bridge portal.

Vorjak: Our weapons packs don't have enough energy to activate the ID matrix. You will have to divert power from the shields.

Nuclear warheads are coming at us!

Computer: Impact in two minutes.

Vorjak: I do not wish to die in this taelon crypt -- do it!

Street: Liam. Liam.

Liam: Street, what are you doing down here?

You and Augur were right. I'm not a curse, I'm a gift -- just like you.

Okay, easy.

Ha'gel and Ma'el were talking about us, in tandem, in time, in space and-- oh, my god! Is that..?

Zu'or. I'm afraid so.

Da'an: My child.

Liam: He thought he could use Ma'el's relic and atavus life force to gain immortality.

Da'an: But it was an illusion. Perhaps it is not in our destiny to survive.

Street: No, you're wrong. Ma'el was a kimera mystic whose prophecy said that your face alone, Liam, would appear from out of the code from Ma'el's riddle to unite the divided.

[ Electronic fluttering ]

Liam: Do you fit into this?

Street: Where do you think my gifts come from?

Da'an: The same place that all creation finds its true origin: From the unifying field.

We are that unifying field of possibility, Liam. We are the key to the 9th dimension. We just have to go through the gate together. You and me. Human to human. Maybe a little kimera thrown in.

[ Panting ] [ Electronic twittering ]

Sandoval: Shields are down -- we've got to get off!

[ Roaring ]

Vorjak: Inside! Move, now!

Sandoval: Vorjak. H-h-H...

[ Electronic twittering ] [ Electronic fluttering ]

Vorjak: We will survive you after all, Da'an. After we regenerate with the atavus, We will take pleasure in watching your species die.

Liam: Look at your enemy. That's what happens if you regenerate with the atavus alone.

Lies -- why should I believe a human slave of the taelons?

It's real simple: The only way for a taelon or a jaridian to survive is for both to give up the fight and to return to their origins.

Street: Together you were atavus. Together, and only together, you will survive as atavus.

[ Rumbling ] [ Beeping ]

Renee: Liam, get out of there. The pressure in this volcano is about to blow off the roof.

Liam: I can't -- I'm needed here.

Augur: Did you hear what she said?

Then, go -- get to the shuttle and save yourselves.

[ Intense rumbling ]

Vorjak: We survived until the end of our kind, Da'an. What now?

Da'an: Together, we shall go forward.

Liam: Goodbye, Da'an.

Goodbye, Liam, and thank you, for all the brethren and for all time. You were our salvation.

Liam: Street, go!

Street: It's a one-way portal.

For me, not for you.

No, I'm meant to be here too.

If you were meant to be here, the portal won't take you.

No, I want to be here, Liam.

I'll see you on the outside! I promise! Now, get out of here!

[ Intense rumbling ]

Augur: Thank god you made it. Ohh.

Renee: Liam?

Liam: No time for goodbyes, Renee. I just need to see this thing through.

I understand. It's his destiny now, and we're not part of it. Let's go.

[ Electronic humming ] [ Shimmering hum ]

Liam: The atavan life force -- it needs both taelon and jaridian life energies to regenerate. I don't know what they'll become, but it's in the hands of destiny now. [ Sighing ]

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