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Real Name: CARDIFF butt

Birth Place: Manchester, Jamaica

Schools Attended: Mandeville All Age and Bellfield Secondary

How did you get your stage name?: The name General is from "General Trees" name and I just added Degree to it

What other job have you done?: Tailoring

Favourite recorded songs: 'Mr. Dweet Nice' and 'When A Hol Yuh Tonight'

First Major single: 'Granny'

Favourite Local Artiste: All the potential and creative artiste

Favourite International Artistes: Babyface, Puff Daddy and Teddy Riley

Favourite Food: Curry Chicken and Steam Fish

Favourite Movies: Ace Ventura and Aeroplane

What do you normally do in your spare time: Fishing

Who would be your ideal mate?: A conscious woman with her head on her body

Most Embarassing Moment: None really.

Why did you get involved in music?: From I was a child I always enjoyed listening to reggae music.

Latest Project: My latest production is producing artiste on my label "Size 8"

Future Plans: Try to keep my label on a level so that it can be established
locally and internationally

If you had one wish what would it be?: For the world to live in peace

Parting shots: Thanks to my fans for the support over the years.

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