#USA AOP NOMINATION POLICY ---- Effective 4-1-99

#USA AOP Policy:

NEW Ops will be chosen by their peers:

New candidates are nominated by the present Ops based on the users character, presence in channel, morals, and participation on/in the channel. Nominees must have been in #USA regularly for a minimum of 1 month to qualify for AOP nomination. This 1 month minimum may be waved if voted on and passed by a majority vote of the SOPs. The nominee is then presented to the channel SOPs. If the nominee is approved, he/she will be Op'd. New Ops will have a 30 day probation period, during which time they will be observed by other AOPs and SOPs. At anytime a SOP may de-Op a nominee in his/hers probation period and request a meeting with the owner to further discuss the nominees AOP status.
--The channel founder reserves the right to accept or reject any nominees
at any time during the probationary period without grounds. :)


1. We don't Op people who ask for Ops. In fact this will probably just get you kicked from the channel.

2. We don't Op people because they are "Experienced" or because they have Ops on other channels. This may even go against you. We want Ops who will chat and participate on #USA , not Ops who set their script on in 8 channels..... that is what BOTs are for.

3. If you do not gain Ops the first time you are nominated, this does not mean you cannot be considered next time. SOPs cast their votes according to the "need" for new Ops. This may change from time to time due to the number of Current Ops.

4. SOP votes are held as the need arises. Please do not continually message SOPs asking when the next vote is being held. The Channel Administrator will convene a vote when s/he believes a vote is necessary. Harassing the SOPs or the Founder WILL get your nomination revoked.


The founder reserves the right to ADD any person(s) that have demonstrated by their participation on the channel, their actions, deeds, or other reasons to the SOP list as needs arise. Any comments, negative or positive to our selection(s) will of course be taken into consideration. :)

The founder also reserve the right to remove any SOP from the SOP list that they consider unsuitable for that position. Any SOP that is so removed will be placed on the AOP list until a decision has been made as to his/her status on #USA.


ALL Ops Must have kill set on.

Founder's Notes

    The Ops of #USA have come to be a family. The rules you find here are just really for those times when we need something in writing to show what should have happened. Rules are made because someone takes advantage of a situation in which everyone has shown common sense for so far. Common sense is what we really like to see. People with morals, values and standards, with the common sense to come in out of the rain, (unless you are dancing in it of course). We want Ops that are fun, like to chat and have fun in the channel. People with a good head on their shoulders, who know how to have fun, and when to and when not to. You would not be here, if you were not one of those.
Now that you have your @, please don't stop doing it :) Have a great time on IRC and in #USA!
