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We siblings

All Lucas siblings around him.
It is on christmas day 1997 and little Lucas didīn feel well.
Sara 17 years old, Matilda 14 years old, Johanna 11 years old
and his only brother Carl 7 years old.

Sara and Lucas

Matilda and Lucas

Johanna and Lucas

Carl and Lucas

Little friend

Little friend, why didnīt you stay here with us?
Wouldnīt you be together with us on christmas eve when we were lightening
sparkles? We are longing for you our little brother.
You were small, you were strong, patient and happy.
You were growing like a flower on a foliage.
Little friend, when do I have to see you again?

Written by Johanna 980824 12 years old

This is a gift from Lucasīs sister Johanna
"Little angel Lucas ,I miss you!/Your sister Johanna

To my little brother Lucas from Carl

I woulīd like to play football with you
I miss you very much./From your big brother Carl

To my little brother Lucas

Your baby- praddle died away.
But we do hear the echo.
Your eyes became extinct.
But we still have our memories.
We save them in our hearts.
Now and then we take them out.
Thatīs why you still are here with us./Your sister Matilda

I miss you so much my lovely little brother Lucas.
You gave me so much love.
I will meet you again some day!/Your sister Sara

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Email: Lucasīs mother Agneta