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Touched By An Angel Fan Fiction Story

Truth Trek
by Webangel Hazel

Scene 1

"I'm sweating in this thing!" complained Tess. "Why do people put themselves through such torture?"

Andrew giggled. "It's you, Tess. It's definitely you."

Tess glared at him from beneath her makeup. "Watch it, or I'll box those pointy ears!"

Monica smiled. "Oh. Come on, Tess. It's kind of fun, don't you think? Like Hallowe'en? Dressing up. Pretending..."

Tess was not amused. It was bad enough that they had to attend this Star Trek convention, but she was dressed as a Klingon. Andrew was a Vulcan and Monica was a Borg. She felt out of place and undignified and it showed on her face. At least Klingons were supposed to look stern.

"It's childish," Tess went on. "Grown men and women dressing up like these... things."

"Well, there must be a reason why we're here?" Monica said, trying to take Tess' mind off of the situation. "Do you know what it is?"

Tess craned her neck as they entered the lobby of the convention center. "There he is," she said, pointing her finger straight through to the center of the lobby.

Monica and Andrew followed Tess' pointing finger through the hordes of aliens and William Shatner wannabes. It led them to a short, stocky, balding Romulan... er... man who seemed to be lost. No. Not lost, but his eyes darted back and forth across the room as if he were looking for someone... or something. He nervously rubbed his hands together.

"What's wrong with him, Tess?" Monica asked. "He seems so afraid."

"You're right, Baby. He is afraid. His name is Angus McCloud and he's been afraid since he was just a little boy." Tess' stern look changed as she looked at Angus. Compassion from Heaven flowed from her eyes, the compassion of the Good Shepherd who left the 99 sheep in the fold to search for that one lost lamb.

"So, we're supposed to help him overcome his fear," Andrew said.

Tess turned her attention to Andrew. "And how do we do that?" she asked.

Andrew got that uncomfortable feeling, like he was having a surprise test. "Well..." he said. "We tell him the truth."

"And that is...?" Tess prodded.

Andrew was on the hook and Tess wasn't about to let him wiggle off of it. He looked into her eyes, eyes of compassion, but eyes of authority. "We'll tell him God loves him," he replied, trying to sound as sure and authoratative as Tess would.

Tess smiled. "Good answer, Angel Boy. One of the best ways to conquer a problem is to come at it with its opposite. Despair is conquered with hope. Lies are conquered with truth. The opposite of fear is love. God's word is clear. Perfect love casts out fear. When a person knows in their heart, not in their head, that God really loves them, they no longer have any reason to be afraid."

Monica watched Angus fidgeting and pacing incessantly. She was eager to jump in to this assignment, to see another life changed by God's love. "When do we start?" she asked.

"Just mingle," Tess said. "And try to blend in. Remember, we're Trekkies."

Andrew cleared his throat. "Um... excuse me, Tess. I believe the modern term is Trekkers. You could offend some of these folks addressing them as Trekkies."

Tess smirked while her counterparts giggled at her expense.

"Just blend in!" Tess repeated more emphatically. She didn't feel comfortable as a Klingon.

Scene Two

"Hello. My name is Monica," said the Angel-Borg, extending her hand in a gesture of friendship.

Angus seemed to be oblivious to it all. He kept pacing and he was mumbling something, supposedly to himself, but it was loud enough for Monica to hear. "They're here... they're here... they're after me. Oh... It's too late, too late..."

"Hello," Monica repeated, moving in a little closer to get his attention. "My name is Monica."

"They're here.. They're... Aaaaaaaargh!" He was startled by the presence of this tall, dark-haired Borg. "Are you... are you one of them?"

Monica wasn't sure what Angus meant. Did he know she was an angel? He seemed agitated, suspicious. His eyes continued to dart from side to side and even behind her, always looking, looking, looking for... something... someone. "I'm Monica," she said again. "This is my first Star Trek convention."

Angus stopped pacing for a moment. He actually looked into her face. " You're a Borg," he said. "I... I... I'm Angus. The Borg assimilate their victims, but... but... you don't look hostile. You... you must be one of those friendly Borg... like... like Seven of Nine."

Monica cocked her head to one side in puzzlement. Didn't this man realize she was only in a costume? Didn't he know it was all make believe? He was getting into his "role" a little too much.

"Do you come to these conventions often?" she asked, trying to prod him back to the real world.

He smiled, a nice smile, a kind smile, but his face was still troubled. "Oh yes," he said. "I've been attending these things for years." His voice dropped down to a whisper. "They're just a cover, you know."

"A cover for what?" Monica asked.

"SHHHHHHHHT!" Angus scolded, grabbing her arm and leading her off behind a huge sandwich-board sign. "They'll hear you!"

Monica stifled a laugh. She didn't want to offend Angus, but it was hard to contain herself. "Who are they?" she asked, quieting her voice down to match his.

Angus peered out from behind the sign to see if anyone was watching. He looked towards the ceiling. "They could have surveillance anywhere," he explained. "These conventions are a cover-up for their work. I know their secrets and they'll kill me if they recognize me, but I'm in disguise."

This was getting sillier by the minute, but Monica listened. That's what God does, and that's what angels do. "What do they look like?" Monica inquired.

"Anyone," Angus insisted. "They could be anyone... even you! I hope you're not one of them."

"Who are they?" Monica asked again. All this talking in circles was confusing. "You haven't told me who they are. Maybe I can help you."

Angus smiled again. "You would do that... for me?" he said, grasping words of kindness, words he hadn't heard in a long, long time. "Well, you certainly must be one of the nice Borg."

"Yes," Monica agreed. "I'm a nice Borg, Angus. Now... who..."

"Who are they?" he said, finishing her question. "Nobody knows this, but..." He motioned her closer to him so he could whisper in her ear. "Aliens."

"Aliens?" Monica whispered back to him.

"Yeah," Angus said. "There are aliens walking among us right now... right here, visitors to earth with an agenda that... well... that only they know about. They could be anyone. They could even be invisible. I know they're here."

Monica knew that story couldn't be true, yet the sincerity in Angus couldn't be ignored. He was telling the truth, at least, what he believed was the truth. That is, he wasn't deliberately lying. "How do you know they're here?" she asked.

Fear clouded Angus' expression. "I've seen one. The aliens took my mother." Now he looked sad. "It was the middle of a winter's night. I was only 7 years old, but I remember it like it was yesterday. They came and took her while everyone was asleep, only, they didn't expect me to wake up. They didn't count on me witnessing the whole thing!"

Monica put her hand on his shoulder. He flinched, but the touch sent waves of peace flooding through his soul. "I'm sorry you lost your mother so young," she said. "Are you sure it was aliens that took her?"

"You calling me a liar?" Angus asked, getting defensive.

"No... no..." Monica pleaded. "I just wondered how you know. Can you tell me?"

Angus relaxed again. "Well, it's like I said. I saw it. I saw the alien. I couldn't help my mother. I... I couldn't. I wanted to, but... but... I was so afraid."

Monica felt grief over the broken heart of this man. He was in so much pain and the pain had never found a way out so he could be healed.

"If you don't mind me asking," Monica continued. "What did the alien look like?"

Angus grimaced at the memory, but it felt good to be with someone who wanted to listen. "Well, the alien took the form of a man. I suppose that's not its real form, but it shape shifted, you know. It was glowing... radiation or something, I guess. I was terrified. Terrified that the alien would take me too."

Monica wanted to find out more, but before she could say a word, Angus' mouth opened in a silent scream.

"I see it! I see it!" he cried. "The alien is here! Oh God! I'm doomed!" He began running down the corridor towards the elevator.

"Angus! Wait! Angus!"

It was no use. Angus was in the death-grip of fear and fear shouts so loud that truth sometimes can't be heard. Her heart sank. How could she help this obviously delusional man? How could she make him see the truth?

"Give it time, Baby," Tess said, putting her arm around her colleague. "It's going to take a major truth encounter to combat this kind of fear. Angus has been carrying it around so long, it has become a stronghold in his life."

"Tess, he's delusional. He believes there are aliens here at the convention. He believes they took his mother. He believes..."

"I know, Baby. I know. He thinks he's seen an alien. And... who knows? Maybe he has." Tess smiled wryly.

Monica didn't get it. Why would Tess say such a thing? Maybe this Star Trek convention was getting to her too. Aliens. Little green men. God had never mentioned anything like that to her before. And Angus. How could she help him? She prayed in her heart: "Dear God, please give me insight into this assignment. I don't know what to say or what to do. Help me to shine truth into the lies in Angus' mind."

Monica glanced in the general direction where Angus thought he saw the aliens. There were a lot of alien wannabes; Vulcans, Trills, androids, but they were just people in costume. From across the crowded lobby, Andrew lifted his arm and waved. His smile brought hope into Monica's being. She wasn't alone dealing with this problem. She returned the wave and smiled back and thought how very silly Andrew looked with pointy ears.

(continued on next page)

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