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My Pets
This is my doggy!
Isn't he cute?!?

Click on the picture to see more of Timmy!

Name: Timmy
Other Names: Tiny Timberlea, Bougie Bear, Snorklefuss, the Mixer
Breed: Keeshond
Likes: food, attention, walks, car rides, playing in the snow, running around the house
Dislikes: getting his nails cut, alcoholic beverages, vegetables 
Good Points: worships the ground I walk on, very friendly, playful
Bad Points: sometimes he marks his territory in the house, always stirring something up, waking me up in the middle of the night to let him out to take a piss (Oh well, I guess it's better than him doing it inside while I'm sleeping)
Favourite Food: lamb, rice, t-bones, beef, canned dog food, nachos, cheese, toast, pizza, hamburger, Pepper's food, popcorn, potatoes, etc.

Who would've believed this guy was the runt of any litter.  If his siblings could only see him now!  Timmy seems to have a happy-go-lucky attitude towards life.  He's always smiling and happy to meet new people and animals.  However, he's a holy terror when it comes to Jehovah Witnesses, lowlife thugs and sleazy salesmen alike!  Good boy!!!!  The question to ask would be, if he were to have an infinite amount of food in front of him, how long would it take him to eat it?!?

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This is my cat!
Name: Pepper
Other Names: Pepperoni, the Mouser, Sussy Face, Roni Girl
Breed: the cat equivalent of a mutt
Likes: listening to my music, finding warm areas to sleep in (such as, laundery baskets, cardboard boxes, etc.), kneading on my stomach
Dislikes: being knocked about by Timmy or me, beer, loud noise, being teased
Good Points: affectionate, playful, a good huntress
Bad Points: it hurts when she kneads and she doesn't stop
Favourite Food: fish, chicken, cheese

This dizzy cat really digs my music!  She's my number one fan!  Unlike Timmy, Pepper is very soft spoken.  She's the most likable cat I've ever met!

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