Amy Welcomes You
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Amy Welcomes You

Me & Pat

Friends & Furries

Halloween 2005

Fun Times

Calgary 2005

Pictures of Me!

My East Coast Adventure 2004

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UPDATED October 2006


Hello again!!!!

Well, I have been told that this page is in some desperate need of some sprucing up, which to be perfectly honest is the truth. But lemme tell you the time constraints that come with upkeep of a friggin website, so please everyone just bear with me during the construction phase of all this nonesense...

The last time I wrote a new msg I had mentioned to everyone that Pat and I had moved to Ottawa, hoping that that would've been our last move for a little while...well boy were we wrong, we are moving again next month (March07)to a town just on the outside of Ottawa called Rockland. This big city life just ain't doin' it for this ole' girl anymore!!!

The tranisition back to living in Ottawa has been an interesting one at that...we have been in two more accidents with my car that seems to have developed an accident prone personality, if it even is possible for a car to distinguish it's own personality I am not totally sure that would be legitmate. Everyone was okay and my car has a new bumper for the second time.

Pat and I are doing fantastic I took Pat on a plane for the very first time in his life...nerve racking (for me not him) and alot of fun just the same, I have pictures that I will post on here of that trip. Oh yeah the plane was headed for Toronto, we went to my parents place (Angus) for xmas this past holiday for about a week or so. Great escape felt even better not to have to drive the 6 hours instead we can just fly the 39 min that you are actually in the air for LOL. Ridiculous I know!!!

when life lifts its load up off me a bit then I will get more recent photos and some better stories to tell you!!!! So don't forget to sign the guest book. Yes, I know I am having issues with random "SPAM" being sent to my guest book, but I go thru it every now and then just to delete those msgs so I can see the important ones.

Till next time my pets!!!!!