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Way Up In Old Canyon
(To the tune of: On Top Of Old Smokey)



Way up in old Canyon, I'm pining each day
And praying for someone…To take me away!
The flies and mosquitos are driving me mad!
The trees and the bushes make me lonely and sad.

The rain on the river keeps beating a tune;
A tune that is sadder than the cry of a loon.
The snow in the winter…climbs over my door.
When I leave the Canyon…I'll come back no more.

For years I've been working & saving my dough
But where can I spend it? There's no place to go!
They tell me that some day…a transfer I'll get.
But the years keep on passing & I ain't seen one yet!

The boys in the Staff House are in a bad state
There isn't a sweetheart to give them a date!
The units keep turning and turning around…
I guess they'll keep turning when I'm underground.

Now all you young fellows; take warning from me:
Don't look for a job with…The H.E.P.C.!
They'll promise you silver; they'll promise you gold…
Then ship you to the Canyon to live till you're old!

And when you are old, boys, and browned off like me,
They'll dig you a hole, boys, 'neath a green balsam tree!
Stay south of the border. Stay south of the 'Bay…
Or the Canyon will take you and break you some day!

(Above words by Len G. Selle)