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(Sample Recipes)

Southern Beverages

Sweet Tea

If you had to pick one drink that you could say that this is THE southern drink, it would have to be Sweet Tea. Sun Tea and Lemonade are also traditional southern drinks but sweet tea is by far the most common. You'll find it served at lunch, dinner, snack time, or any other time a thirst needs quenching. Below is a simple recipe to brew up a gallon, the preferred amount to make, of one of the most satisfying cold drinks ever invented.

1 quart water
5 regular size tea bags
1 1/4 cups white sugar
ripe lemons
Plenty of Ice

My family prefers to use Lipton tea bags, you may want to experiment with the different brands because a lot of Southerners swear by other brands. Put the tea bags, minus the wrappers, into cold water, don't start with hot water because it will boil before the tea is brewed properly. Turn the heat to medium and keep a close watch, you'll want to pull it off of the heat just before it boils for the best flavor. Let the tea bags steep in the hot water until it is finger hot, this is the point when you can safely stick your finger in without yanking it right back out. Pour the brewed tea into a gallon pitcher, preferably glass, squeezing the bags to get most of the water out. Stir the sugar into the warm tea until it is dissolved. Fill a large glass with ice and fill within 1/2 inch of the top with the tea and serve with a generous slice of lemon.

Homemade Lemonade

10 to 12 ripe lemons
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 gallon of cold water
Well or Spring - no chlorine
1 gallon glass pitcher

Roll all except 2 of the lemons either on the counter or between the hands until they are soft and pliable, this will break up the pulp so you can get more of the juice out. Cut the lemons in half and if you have a juicer use it to extract the juice and pulp, if not, just do the best you can with your hands. Use a strainer to get the loose seeds out then pour the juice into the pitcher. Heat 1 cup of water until lightly steaming then dissolve the sugar in it and pour into the juice mixing well. Slice the remaining 2 lemons, pick out the seeds and put them into the pitcher. Fill the pitcher half full and mix well, continue to stir as you finish filling the pitcher. Fill glasses with ice then fill with the lemonade, enjoy with or without meals.

Paperback edition / autographed copy / Kindle version / Nook Version / PDF Version / Fun Foods