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(Sample Recipes)

Fried Pies

Of all the Southern specialty foods the fried pies have to be my personal favorite. The three most popular fillings are Apple, Peach, and Cherry but there is actually no limit to what you can use as a filling. Some other popular flavors are strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, lemon, chocolate, even sweet potato. However, whatever you decide to fill it with, the crust is always made basically the same. The crust recipe below will work with any filling you want to use.

The Crust

2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 tbsp. sugar
1/2 cup shortening (I prefer Crisco)
3/4 cup whole milk (cold)

Mix all of the dry ingredients with a fork then cut in the shortening still using the fork. If you have a pastry blender and want to use it, go ahead. I actually own a couple of them but I still use a fork most of the time like my grandmother taught me. Once there is no more large chunks of shortening left begin adding the milk a quarter cup at a time. Mix only until all of the ingredient are worked in, overworking it will make it tough. When it all comes together shape it into a flattened round a wrap it tightly then refrigerate it for at least an hour. Chilling the dough makes it easier to roll out.
Flour the flat surface and rolling pin that you will be using to roll out the dough. Use only as much as you need to keep it from sticking, you don't want to work more into the dough. Start rolling from the center out, lifting and turning it occasionally to keep it from sticking. If it begins to stick use a little more flour on the surface or pin as needed. Roll it out as thin as you can manage then cut into large circles. I use an old large coffee can like a biscuit cutter, you can also lay a saucer upside down and cut around it with a real sharp knife.
Place the filling on one half of the circle staying a half inch from the edge then fold the other half over and seal the edges with a wet fork, repeatedly dipped into the water. While filling the crusts have iron skillet or heavy frying pan heating up with a half inch of vegetable oil or melted shortening to about 350 degrees.
Carefully lift the pies with a turner and gently place them into the hot oil. Watch very closely and as soon as the crust puffs up and turns golden brown flip it gently. When the second side matches the first the pies are done. Remove and drain on paper towels, serve warm.

Fillings for your Fried Pies

If you want to save yourself some time and energy you can just get a can of pie filling or a jar of preserves to use as the filling for your fried pies but if you want to make your own filling, the way our grandparents used to, then the rest of this chapter is devoted to showing you how to make them.

Paperback edition / autographed copy / Kindle version / Nook Version / PDF Version / Fun Foods