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"Web Site and E-zine Promotion Made Easy!"

Please allow me to introduce you today to the "Web Site and E-zine Promotion Made Easy" E-book, by Dirk Dupon.
If you have (or plan to set up) a Web Site or E-zine, you should get this incredible handy electronic book. Its packed with helpful information, clever tricks, original tips, and no-nonsense links to make your promotion campaign totally painless.
The critics at ZDNet gave the demo version of Dirk's E-book a full 4 star rating, so you can bet that it offers quality! Dirk has been on line for many years. He owns several web sites and newsletters, so he knows where he's talking about.
This book is a perfect starting tool for newbies, but there are also great tips in it for the more experienced web masters and E-zine publishers, who want to give their on line publication more exposure.
I promise you'll find Dirk's E-book an indispensable time saver! I have used his E-book for promoting my own web site and E-zine, and I would have paid 19$ fo the demo version only!
You know what they say: "A web site must be promoted to be successful. If you don't promote, they simply won't come." PS: If you purchase Dirk's exciting book today, he'll give you not 1, not 2 or 3 or 4, but 12 FREE BONUS GIFTS!
The gifts contain a few interesting web design and promotional tools, and a unique E-book that will show you in 10 steps how you too can create, publish, and sell an E-book! This alone is worth the money!
Believe me, I have never seen an offer like this anywhere else on the Internet! So, why wait?
Go see for yourself now, and click on the "E-Book above!
Thank you for reading this.
Patricia Powell

The Treasure Loft
P.O. Box 921
Lincolnton, North Carolina

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