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Diokete Hupsala Webring

Allow me to introduce myself and explain my purpose in creating this ring. My webname is Nepthys and I am the webmistress of this site. I am a member of the Gamma Sigma chapter of the illustrious Phi Sigma Sigma Fraternity at Virginia Commonwealth University.
While putting my chapter on the web, I looked at all of the other chapter home pages to get an idea of what other chapters were doing. I espied that many chapters had pages of links to other chapters, but there was no such web ring of chapters that would unite colliegate chapters with other chapters. After pondering over this for some time, I decided to aim high and go for it--to unite the brotherhood of mankind and to forge ahead to continuously alleviate the world's pain through our little piece of cyberspace.
Thus...Phi Sig is taking the internet by STORM by this milestone. The FIRST phi sig webring of its kind (from what I can find on the net) and the ONLY webring of Phi Sigs anywhere. (We ARE a bunch of crafty women, us sphinxes!)
< Ok...let me explain how this works:
1. You fill in the form and submit your URL, your site name, and your password.
2. you get added to this thing called the "queue". It is essentially a line of sites waiting to join the webring. While you are in the queue, you will not be attatched to the webring.
3.Both you and I will recieve emails confirming your addition to the queue. Your email will have a piece of HTML code in it to insert in your webpage.
4. You must then take that code and paste it into your website. Remember to also copy the image from this site to your own directory. DO NOT LINK TO THIS SITE>>>>that is called "bandwidth robbery" and will SEVERELY be reprimanded!
5. Hit me with an email and let me know that your code is in place--you can't be a part of the webring without it!
6.I will then, in due time, move you to the queue in the ring.
7. You will recieve another email letting you know that you have been added to the ring.
Oh, and don't forget...this system requires ME to move you into the ring. So it could take a while. Links are also verified and traced. So proofread them and make sure they have no typos, no idiocracies or nacience will be allowed on these if you are not legit..dont bother. I have no time for trifles.
If you decide to join the ring, here are a few simple rules:
1. You must be a collegiate or alumni chapter of Phi Sigma Sigma Fraternity. This make since, now doesn't it?
2. The WebRing code MUST be on the page you give as a url. If you have a page of rings that you put all your rings on, then that MUST be the page the ring points to. If you have a site with frames, then the frame with the ring fragment must be the one that shows up first
3. Oh, and need I say again...because I like repeating myself...only MOI can add sites to the ring. Because I am webmistress and I have it like that.
Now see, that was painless, now wasn't it? To insist that every member gets fair and equal treatment, I insist that they be followed. If you follow all those rules, I will make sure that the ring is NEVER broken. I will check the integrity of the ring once every three days. Sites that break the ring will be removed from the ring and whipped with a wet noodle...and returned to the almighty queue until the problem has been fixed.
Ok. Done is the form:

Submit site to Phi Sigma Sigma
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Enter the below information to edit your account:

Site ID No:

This PhiSigmaSigma site owned by Gamma Sigma Chapter.
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Here are choice for the images you can have. Right click to save to your drive and then change the url to reflect the image. If you have problems with this, let me know. Thanks!