Hah, now how did such a limp wristed knave such as you manage to stumble upon my old website? You looking for Anime or something along the lines of that? Well you won't find that shit here bruddah! I was "down" with that way back when hanging on sorry computers all day was acceptable. Well I'll tell ya this, drop that damn keyboard and get the hell out of your house and make some kinda value of yourself. What with such limited potential as yours, the best you could become is a flower peddler to suit the image of the panzy you have become. So take my godlike advice to heart and get outta my website before your demise comes swift! However....if it is Anime in which you seek, then I will provide you a link that will supply ALL you desire! And don't forget kiddies, that it was I that gave you such. Aren't I swell? Treasure it!